Chapter 30

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No one moved for the next few seconds before we heard a faint explosion in the distance. That's when everyone sprung into action. Logan, Rose, and Silas broke out into a vampire-sprint to the house with Oscar and me trailing behind them.

I could feel the fear flowing through my veins, turning my blood cold. We've been training for this, but now, it all seemed like a nightmare. Like, I would wake up any second and end up back in my room.

My hands shook as I watched Logan and Silas hand out weapons to the hundreds of creature, that appeared out of no where (when really, Rose just called them or the explosion caused them to come to the house). Silas handed me a gun along with a gun holster and some daggers to place in my socks (I guess).

He sent me a small smile before he ran off, handing others the same. I quickly wrapped the handgun holster around my waist and place my gun (and a couple of knives) into it. I lined up with the other vampire and watched as the were-animals and the warlocks gather into their own groups. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to come face-to-face with Oscar. He pointed behind him and grabbed my hand.

"We're suppose to stay together. Silas, Rose, and Logan didn't feel comfortable with you fighting away them. And, Rose wants me by her, obviously."

I looked over his shoulder and found Logan, Rose, and Silas huddled together and talking in a hush voice. Logan looked depressed as he looked at Rose and then looked away. Rose caught the look and returned it with a death glare, but there was no missing the sadness that was present there, too. I pulled my arm from the grip Oscar had and walked over to Silas. Silas didn't seen to notice the sad looks on our friends' faces, so I didn't bring it up. It was probably nothing. They were probably just sad about Brandon returning.

We, the army of mythical creatures, were running through the forest toward the explosion we heard earlier. Logan and Silas were leading our small stampede with Rose, Oscar and me behind them and the rest behind us. If they couldn't have heard my heart beat before, they could defiantly hear it now. They all had their brave faces on and, here, I was cowering behind them (not literally, but it sure felt like it).

"You okay?" Rose asked from beside me. I nodded my head and speed up so she couldn't question me. I don't know what the matter with me but, I have a really, really, really bad feeling something horrible is going to happened. "What's her problem?" I could hear Oscar asked, which Rose replied, "I don't know."

I ignored them and ran by myself for the rest of the way to our location.

When we did arrive, it surprised me where we were. It was a children's playground. It was empty and a wind blew by carrying off some leaves and blew my hair in my face. Something didn't feel right.

I decided it would be a good idea to change to a vampire before anything happened. I closed my eyes and waited for the transformation to happen. When it was done, I opened my eyes and we all waited in silence. It was too quiet. I looked over the playground once more and stopped at the jungle gym. There was a faint glow, a very familiar glow. My eyes widened as I realized what was going to happen.

I fell to the floor and shouted at the top of my lungs, "Everyone down!"

Rose, Logan, and Silas immediately got down on their bellies, but the rest didn't get down fast enough and when they finally saw the faint glow, it was too late. They flew backwards and landed on their backs, including Oscar. Rose got up, which was a bad idea because another blast came from the yellow globe and sent her flying. I heard her scream , but I couldn't even react because a low animal-like growl erupted from somewhere behind the glow.

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