Chapter 20

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- before the fight when Rose was getting information from her friend -

*Rose pov*

I was walking through the forests towards the intimating castle, preparing myself for anything.

From the corner of my eye, darts are coming straight for me and from the other side of the room are swords racing to pierce my skin. Quickly, I ran and dip under the swords and flip high enough to get pass the darts.

God, I thought, you and your traps.

I slip in between the slightly opened gates and head toward the gigantic door. Knowing that he won't know it's me, I took out my small dagger from my boots and slowly I opened the doors. Cringing when the door squeak and the sound echoing throughout the empty hall ways.

I heard many footsteps marching my way.

"Great, he has more guards then last time," I mumbled to myself, getting into my fighting stance. I wait for at least 20 of the guards turn the corner before I charged. After the first 50, I wasn't even tired and I notice some ran the opposite way, probably getting the idiot I called my friend.

I finally finished off the last guard and waited for him to come down, since the guards chickened off to warn him of me. He is the strongest people I know, other than my father, that can beat me in a fight.

"ROSE! WHAT DID YOU DO? YOU COULD OF AT LEAST LEFT SOME ALIVE!" There he is. I turned to him, smirking, because this happened every time I came over.

I didn't come over a lot, but he should know better than not mention me so they don't die.

I shrugged, "It's your fault, Logan. You know that they have no chance against me when I visit and STILL you don't mention me."

I never understood why Logan never told his guards that I'm a killing machine. He motioned me to follow him back up to his room.

"Well... I don't know why I never mention you. You slip the mind easily because you hardly visit anyways." I knew he was right. I shouldn't blame him if I never visit him.I didn't want to admit that I thought that so I just nodded.

"So I came here for a very important reason." I had to get right to the point. I couldn't stick around for long, knowing that my friend could be dying and I was fooling around with Logan. He looked at me with confusion and concern swirling in his soft green eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"I know this may sound insane but, just hear me out, okay?"

"Rose, you scaring me. Just tell me, please?"

"I want to kill Brandon." I was met by silence. I look at down to the floor then at his face trying to see any emotion. None. I couldn't see anything. What? Why can't I?


"He has my friend and the reason why, I can't tell you until you swear to help me as much as you can. Can you promise to help me, no matter how crazy this is?"

"Yeah. Just tell me."

"My friend - Jessica - she has really special blood. Her blood is like a weapon to Brandon. She doesn't know; she has no idea about our world and that might be a hinder in our plan. Brandon doesn't know that she doesn't know that he blood is the most deadliest weapon on earth. But we don't know if there is another side to it; something to balance out the scales. Her blood could be both be good and evil meaning she leveled herself out. We don't want to scare her. Silas told her about him. It didn't go vet well since she distance herself and ignore him. Silas is also new at this so he doesn't know much either or how special he is either. He... I don't know... Logan, he's like me." I knew he didn't know what I meant. I haven't told anyone this so why not now.

"What? What do you mean 'he's like me'?"

I took in a deep breath.

"Okay. I only figured this out 100 years ago so I didn't know what was going on. Anyways, you know my power is sensing emotions?"

"Yeah. I know and I found a way to block you out," he said with a wink knowing it pissed me off when I couldn't sense or feel the emotion of someone.

"Okay, well, do you also know how we only have one power? Like you have the power to tell the future?"

"Yeah? I don't see where this is going."

"Well I have more than one..." The silence that now surrounded us made me uncomfortable. I started shifting from my left to right.

Finally after what seemed like hours into the silence, Logan said, " More than one? How? What are they?"

"Yeah, more than one. I don't know how. Including my emotion sensing, I also have extra strength - more than normal for vampires -, I can turn invisible, and I am developing telekinesis." I noticed last year that if I concentrated hard enough on something then it would move.

"Wow. Okay well that something but, let's not get off track. So your friend, Jessica, has special blood. And you think your other friend, Silas, is like you with having more than one power."

"Yeah. So I want to know how to use Jessi's blood as a weapon against my father. I already know we don't need all of her blood so I know she doesn't have to die." That's the only information I know about her blood.

I was met with silence. I looked Logan in the eye and saw an emotion I didn't like to see when all I want was happy information. He had sadness and death in his eyes. Why death? Did he see something? She didn't need to die, right?

"I know what needs to be done."


"Does someone love her? Or does someone have a 'crush' on her?"

Silas. "Yeah? Why?"

"He needs to bite her wrist and then after use this," he handed me a box, "and collect the blood. This is will mix her blood with someone's else blood but, that person blood needs to be from someone related to him. Who isn't you."

"Why not me?"

"Because of your power situtation."

Then something click.

"Silas can't do it. He hasn't fed on a humans for awhile. He's also new to this world. He hasn't learned how to not kill while feeding."

"Then he needs to learn to control himself. Or he might be able to will himself to stop, or he might..."

"Or he might?" I tried urging him to continue but stopped when I finally realize why death flashed in his eyes. Because he had seen death in a vision.

"Or he might kill her." I finished for him.




- rose

[edited by mel]

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