Chapter 28

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I was walking to my third period when I caught his scent. The halls were empty and that wasn't good. I stiffened and speed up, trying to avoid him. I knew I failed when I was slammed against a wall and I felt something press against my neck.

He took a deep breathe and sighed, "Why are you running?"

I gulped and remained silent. I let him stay for another minute before pushing him off and speeding off to my class.

I knew I would have to face him soon or later, and even if I wanted it to be never, I would do it later. I didn't want another mate, but I knew it had to happen. He needed a mate. He would either die or need to kill someone to steal their mate. I felt enough connection to him already, that both of those caused me a great deal of pain.

The day passed and I was able to avoid him successfully. I needed to think and I knew if I faced him I wouldn't have that time to think. Logan and I still needed to make sure our plan was solid proof.

There could be no mistake because just one could lead to thousands of deaths.

My mate wasn't human so he could help. He would anyways because he would want to protect me. That's another thing we have to consider, now that he knows about me.

Logan's been getting small visions here and there and that's what's freaking me out. Yesterday, he had one where the sky was cloudy and a portal appeared.

That's it.

Nothing else.

That didn't really help at all. It told us that it would be stormy when Brandon came back. I sighed and immediately hated the thought of that happening.

I felt a small breeze and shivered.

"Rose." I heard my name being carried through the wind. I knew whose voice it was. Brandon.

I was with Logan the next time he had a vision. And by the way his face scrunched up in pain, I knew it wasn't good.

"He's coming back in a month, Rose."

With that sentence, if knew everything was going to fall out of place.


I sat in my living room, watching some random movie while Silas and Jessica snuggled asleep on the couch next to me. It's been three days since Logan's vision and I still haven't told them. I felt extremely guilty for keeping from them, but I wanted them to have a little more happiness together before everything was torn from them.

Jessica was barely a year old and Silas was two, maybe three, years old. They wouldn't be able to protect each other. Jessica probably could if she could learn how to control her power, but it was impossible in the short amount of time that was being provide.

I haven't been to school because I'm trying everything to prevent my mate from finding me. Silas says he looks for me at every break.

Logan said I have to show my face to him in the next two days so he could get a prediction on how he'll mess with the future. My mate was a hybrid so I think it would be a god outcome, hopefully.

"What's wrong?"

I let out a squeak and jump up from the couch, ready to fight. I frantically searched for the person who said that to only find Silas looking up at me from the love seat with a raised eyebrow.

I sighed, "Don't ever do that again."

I slumped back onto the couch and snuggled my pillow. Ever since the incident with the wind, I've been really jumpy. Logan thinks Brandon has a witch on his side and did that so it would mess me up.

I'm pretty sure it's Delilah because she literally came out of freaking no where, but we can't go and make predictions with evidences or a vision from Logan. So... she safe for now.

"Whatever," he mumbled, "what's so important that you didn't notice me call your name five times?"

I blushed and buried my head into the pillow I was cuddling, "Nothing, just a little out of it, today."

"It doesn't have to do with your mate, does it?"


After several minutes of silence, I looked up and found he fell back asleep. I wasn't surprised. He's been so worried about Jessica and her new training that he hasn't sleeper in days.

I shook my head and decided it would be a good idea to take a walk. I knew once I stepped out of my house that my mate would smell me and would come find me in less than two minutes.

I was at least fifty steps into the forest before I was pushed into a tree. At first, I stiffened, but once I caught their scent, I relaxed.

"Finally came out of hiding, sweetheart."

"Just for you."


When I woke up again, Logan was where Rose once was. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and stretched.

"Hey, Logan," I greeted before snuggling back into the couch and brought Jessica into my chest.


"Where's Rose," I looked around and sniffed, not finding her scent in the house.

"Oh, you know, finally got enough courage to go to her mate," he snickered, "I found out it won't mess with the outcome of the war."

"War?" I sat up straight and looked at him, " What war?"

He looked amused, "If Rose hasn't told you, there must be a reason."

His smug little face was seriously annoying me right now. I gritted my teeth and asked once again. "What war?"

"Do you want Rose to kill me?" When I didn't answer, he sighed and continued, "Fine... Brandon coming back in less than a month an-"

A door slamming open stopped him and before either of us could blink, Rose lunged at Logan, fangs bare and claws protruding from her fingertips. A boy was behind her with a smirk. I was guessing that was her mate.

He came over to me, completely ignoring the hissing and growling coming from the two rolling bodies, and stuck out his hand, "Oscar Miles at your service."

I hesitantly shook his hand, "Silas."

He pulled back and walked over to the fighting vampires before pulling Rose to his body, which caused her to fully melt into him. She sighed and, I guess, forgot about the bleeding Logan on the floor.

I got up from under Jessica, who was surprisingly still asleep, and helped him up.

"You okay?"

He glared at me," Perfect." He turned and stomped off to the guest room.

I looked back to Rose and Oscar and almost barfed. They were sucking each other faces off. I cringed and picked up Jessica before leaving to the room I was staying in for the meantime.

When I placed her down on the bed, she shuffled and her eyes opened slowly. I shushed her when her mouth opened and told her to go back to sleep. She gave me a questioning look, but it disappeared when I kissed her forehead.

She was out like a light after that.






(sorry if it's not very good, I'm tired :))

( :)

- lots of love -

m. xx.

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