Chapter 7

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1/07/16 - EDITED

My mom gave me a smile and a wink, as we settled down at the dinner room table. I sat across from her. I could sense that she was also nervous. I meet her big blue eyes as she looks up at me, but I quickly looked away and took a sip of my water. How am I suppose to talk to her when all I could think about is the blood pumping through her veins? I couldn't look at her without smelling her scent. I couldn't met her eyes without thinking what she would think of me if she knew.

" So Silas," I look up from my water and smiled at Jessica's mom. Her mother looks at me with a kind smile, "You're in Jessica's grade, correct?"

"Yes, I am." I nod my head at her mom. "Um, I think we have two classes together, actually." 

I look over at Jessica, our eyes met for a split second before I looked away, focusing on the table. My mom comes in carrying a plate with steak on it, and she places it in the middle of the table, right in front of me. The smell fills my nose, and I have to force myself not to aga. I've notice ever since my transformation, I don't like human food anymore. I pick at my food while everyone else digs in. It doesn't take long until my mom notices.

"Honey, what's wrong?" My mother ask. I look up from my untouched plate and find that everyone is already looking at me. I shrug, but my mom has none of that, "Silas?"

"Nothing's wrong, mom" I reply coolly. It's silent for a few minutes before my mom clears her throat, drawing the attention from me to her.

"Your mom tells me you play tennis, Jessica." My mother asked, quickly changing the subject. She'll probably question me later on my attitude and why I didn't eat. I'll probably have to lie to her face, again.

"Yes" She gave a smile at my mother, but it didn't reach her eyes. Something was upsetting her, I could tell. "But, it's a program outside of school."

The rest of the conversation was most about Jessica, but that was okay. I liked listening to her talk.

After playing with my food, my mother instructed Jessica and I to go up to my room while the parents had their own visit. I rolled my eyes at her and turned to the kitchen, since Jessica had just got up to wash her plate.

"Hi" I tapped her on the shoulder.

She quickly turned around startled. "Oh, um, hey."

What do I say? What do I say?

"D'you want to watch some t.v. in my room until you have to leave? Give our parents time to catch up." I said this as my mom's laugh rang through thew house. I have no idea why my mom would let me have a girl in my room, alone. I had to keep my mind off how good she smelt. It must be a new perfume.

"Sure" She smiled, her voice interrupting my thoughts. I return her smile and start walking up to my  room and sat down on my bed and patted the space next to me for her. She looked at the space, unsure if sitting so close was smart, but  she finally decided that it was okay because she sat down even closer.

I turn on my netflex. "So... what do you like to watch?" I say as I scan through the first few movies.

"Um... oh, Breaking Bad? If that's okay," she said as Breaking Bad appeared on the list that I was scrolling through. I selected Breaking Bad and continued from the episode I was on.

"Awesome" I smile and started to relax because she liked something I liked. I wonder if I should say something, but what if she thinks im stupid? I didn't like how quiet it was because that gave me the chance to focus on her smell, and I didn't want that. If I stayed focused on it, then I don't think I'll be able to control myself. We watch one more episodes in silence, the occasionally comment on something we agreed on or disagreed on in the episode.

My mom usually loved company and always had drinks. I have no idea how long they would be there. Jessica yawned and pulled her legs under her body before snuggling into my side. She was getting tired. Ten minutes later, she shifted over and laid her head on my shoulder, and her hair started to move. Soon, her neck was exposed. Shit! Why does she have to smell so delicious and with that pretty face of hers?

I couldn't help myself. I leaned down giving her the lightest kiss on her cheek... Then I look at her neck. Self control I remind myself.. I squeezed my eyes close and took deep breathes, but all that did was fill my nose with her smell. My self control jumped out the window and I could feel my eyes changing color. I tried, tried so hard to pull back, but the smell. Her smell.

I couldn't help it!

I lean toward her neck when her eyes popped open.

Oh, great.

[edited by mel]

mel xx.

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