The End

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[not edited]


It's been three years since the war between the upper world and the under world. It's also been three years since Rose, Logan, and Oscar died to save us. It's been about three and a half years since Silas and I have been together. We were able to graduate high school with the help of a witch. He put a spell on us that allowed us to age along the humans.

High school went by fast after that and we didn't even consider college at the moment, because, I mean, we have an eternity. We agreed that we'd both start college once we get ourselves sorted. But, the thing is I couldn't help but feel guilty for holding him back.

I've come to terms with my vampire side. I have learn how to control one hundred percent, now. About a year ago, I was in my vampire state and I accidentally let go of myself during the transformation and I went on a blood-rampage. It wasn't pretty. 

I almost destroyed a small town.

After that, I was more careful. I got a hold of myself five months later, and Silas and I decided to move out of town. We couldn't decide where to move, so we decided to travel around the world together. We've been to Rome, Italy, Paris, and a random city in Germany. It was fun being with the one I loved.

Oh, that's another thing.

We exchanged our first 'I love you's under the stars at the top of the Eiffel Tower. I called him out on his cheesiness, but all he did was kiss me quiet. After that he wouldn't stop, he took me to any place that was cliche.

I still have my days when Ill have a nightmare about  Rose. how she looked at me before she took her last breathe, how she gave me a small, sad smile, how relief filled her eyes as life faded from them. I did wake up screaming and found Silas holding me to his chest. Silas wanted to move right after the wars, but I dint want our parents to report us missing because though, technically I was already dead, they still cared.

Silas said to fake our deaths, but I couldn't have that done to my family. I didn't want my parent to grieve over someone else's death, thinking it was mine. Grieving over a stranger, thinking it was their dead child. I could never do that to them. I told that to Silas and immediately saw the guilt fill his eyes. I couldn't help, but wanting to kiss away that. He didn't know.

Right now, we moving across Europe and then we'd go back the the U.s. and visit our families. They were growing older and older and I grew worried because I don't want them to leave this world. I'm stuck here and even though I have Silas, I want them too. I keep thinking that maybe, just maybe, I could turn them, too. The thought easily slips in one ear and out the other. I never wanted this, so why would my family want it?

Thirty-five more years pass as fast as the hours do, maybe even minutes. My parents are on the verge of hitting the eighties, and i barely look twenty-one. They've asked why it doesn't look like I'm aging, but i just ignore them, like they never asked in the first place.

Silas and I went to college like we planned and after twenty years of being together, he proposed to me. It was an,,, unique way of asking.

I had got home from my job late and the house was dark, which confused me because usually Silas is home to greet me. i barely walked through the door before I got tackle. I had become a master at switching my identities and in seconds, i had my attacker against a wall.

A small giggle coming from the intruder confused me beyond belief and soon, the giggle became recognizable and I was pissed. when I turned on the lights, the room was filled with roses and he was in front of me on his knee. 

I cried.

Fifty years. My parents passed away. First my dad, in his sleep, and my mom suffered from a heart attack. I cried a lot after that. But, I realized that that's how my life is going to be like from now on. The people i get close to, growing older and older before passing, while I stay the same age.

This also causes us to move a lot.

But, as long as I have my husband, Silas.

I'll be forever happy in our eternity together.


So you guys... it's over!!! :'( :'(

It was an honor writing this, and I loved writing it because it started as an inside joke between my friends and we got a crazy idea to make story out of it.

I never image it to come out like this. OVER 14 THOUSAND READS!!! That's freaking amazing.

Hopefully, Ill be back with another story soon. I love you, guys!! Thank you for making writing this story so enjoyable. I had fun. :)

- lots of love -

m. xx.

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