Chapter 6

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1/07/12 - EDITED

Enemies? What enemies? Skelly seriously had me questioning everything. This just showed how much I didn't know about my new life. I could have been killed easily by these enemies. So, why didn't Rose mention anything about this? I decided to text her.

ME - 1:14 p.m.

Hey, Rose! I just got some interesting information for this guy. text back as soon as possible!!

ROSE- 1:17 p.m.

Yah, sure, met me behind the gym after school.

My class flew by in a flash and soon I was making my way to the back of the school. I could already see Rose, and my nervous grew in the pit of my stomach. There must have been a reason why she wouldn't have mentioned it. But, if it risked me getting hurt, then why would she not mention it. I could be dead now. I was getting closer, and my throat was closing up in fear.

"So, what's up?" Rose asked as I stepped in front of her. I took deep breathes and focused on getting air into my lungs.

"Do you know anything about enemies who are against our kind?" I blurted out and immediately, snapped my mouth shut after.

Her face visible pale and she went rigid for a minute, but seconds later, she regained her composure and asked, "W-what do you mean?"

She's hiding something. I knew that for sure. Rose is good at a lot of things, but lying was not one of those things. I could always tell with her when she was lying because she would twirl her hair and stutter. It couldn't be anymore obvious.

"Nothing. Never mind, forget I asked anything." I told her and she relaxed as soon as the words fell from my mouth. I wanted her to think I have given up on the topic so she would let her guard down.

"Okay? So, are you up for a hunt today?"

"No." After glaring at her, I turned and walked away. I wanted her to feel guilty for not telling me. Something this important shouldn't be a secret. I would ignore her for awhile since she'll cave in and tell me in 2 days tops. She can't live without me being her eating partner and only friend who understands her situation. But, it was kind of both ways. So, I need her as much as she needed me.

I was a block away from my house when it felt like someone was watching me. I looked around, seeing no one. 

It's just your mind playing trick on you. You're letting what that guy said to you get to your head.

I walked up my drive way and step up to my door. Unlocking the door, I pushed open the door stepping inside. I kicked off my shoes and after closing the door, I made my way deeper into my house.

"Hey, I'm home!"

My mom's head popped out of the kitchen, "Hello darling. How was school?"

"Eh, it was okay." I shrugged and hoped my mom would drop the topic because I didn't really want to think about Rose lying to me.

"That's nice." Walking back into the kitchen, she added "Oh, and before I forget, we're having over the Mantilla family. Dress nice!"

I froze in the middle of the stairs and let out a long sigh. I continued my way up to my room and looked through my closet for something decent to wear. That was one of the down falls of having her as a neighbor. My parents and her parents were friends, and they loved to have dinner together, all the time.

Unlike most teenage boys and their moms, my mom and I had a very close relationship. It probably had something to do with the fact that my dad left us. But, anyways, she knew about my crush on her.

I got down stairs and stomped into the kitchen. I stood there and glared at the back of my mom's head.

"That isn't going to stop them from coming. They'll be over in an hour," she said laughing. 

Like she said, an hour later, there was a knock on the door. I knew who was at the door even before it was open because of the scent coming from the other side. Her scent was intoxicating.

"Honey! Can you get that?" I rolled my eyes because, of course, my mom would make me answer the door. I could practically see the smirk on her face.

I ran out of the kitchen, eager to open the door, but I was also nervous. Once I got there, I paused. Breathe! Breathe! Opening the door, I smiled when my eyes landed on her.

"Hello. Please, come in."

"Thank you" she said passing me, and her parent followed.

This is going to be interesting.


[edited by mel]

1/07/16 --

mel xx.

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