Chapter 31

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All I could see was red as I felt my fangs come out and my claws elongated. My new found strength allowed me to break free of the invisible barrier and I use my speed to charge at Oscar.

How could he do that?

How could he do that to Rose?


I gritted my teeth and raised my claw into the air, preparing to dig them into his face. I was inches away from him and he still hasn't moved. My breathing is coming out more rugged and the only thing running through my head was Oscar stabbing Rose. My heart aches and I whimpered as I lashed out at Oscar.

"How could you?!" He dodged every swipe I took and I began to grow frustrated that I could hit him. That's all I wanted: to feel my claws rip through his flesh. For him to feel the pain that he probably put Rose through. For him to feel the pain I went through, watching my best friend dying.

I cringed as tears began to pour down my face, but that didn't stop me from taking one last swing at him. My eyes widened as Oscar let out a wail as he shot his hand up to his forehead, where there was a huge gash. He looked around confused until his eyes landed on me and he flinched back.

"W-what going on?" He seemed scared and confused as he looked any where but me. I watched as his eyes stopped and widen in horror. "Rose?!"

His voice cracked as he hurried to get up and scurried over to her. I watched interested as a sob erupted from him and he held her to his chest. I watched as he looked to the sky and a tear fell as he cried out her name. I watched as he pulled out his gun and press it against his temple. I watched as he killed himself and as his body fell back onto the grass-less ground, I wondered what had just happened.

I looked pass the two lumps on the ground an saw Silas fighting. I started to stand and headed over to him to help him fight. I was half way to him when I noticed another cloak figure, but this time, he was heading towards Silas.

My mind immediately went to what happened to Rose and I took off. I took deep breathes and started to picture myself glowing. I was almost there. I concentrated harder and soon my skin started to glow. I was five feet away and I could see the knife in the person's hand.

When I got to Silas, I wrapped my arms around him and pictured everything blowing up around us. He started to fight me, but soon stopped once he knew it was me. I had my eyes closed in concentration and tightened my arms around Silas as the wind began to pick up and the sun could no longer be seen. I could feel everyone stop fight and look at me but I ignored that.

I think Silas realized what I was doing because he shouted, "Get down!"

I opened my eyes and saw everyone from our army down on the floor while the demons looked confused. I couldn't see much, but did see the horrified look on Brandon's face. He looked like I did a few minutes ago: struggling to get out of a mysterious force. But, that wasn't what caught my attention.

The fact that Shelby, my best friend, was there. And, she was about to rip someone's head off with her own demonic claws.


I was shocked when I heard a voice inside my head.

Don't hesitate, Jessica. Rose and I were meant to die. Make them pay.

It was Logan's voice. I looked back at him with teary eyes and nodded. I pictures the glow growing bigger and that's exactly what it did. It kept growing and no one moved. I squeezed my eyes as well as Silas and prayed this worked.

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