Chapter 17

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Jessica's p.o.v

I have never been more scared in my life. I really wish Silas was here, but also at the same time I don't. It so cold when I am, and I can't stop trembling.

"Soo Jessica." I could feel this creepy man touch my hair and then his hands slid down my body. I tried kicking him, but he blocked it with ease and gave me a warning look.

"You are so beautiful. Silas doesnt deserve you." Brandon said smirking .

This could not get any worse.

"Dylan!!! Come here!" yelled Brandon

I saw Dylan with his hands chained and his face looked terrified.

"Son, I want you to call Silas and tell him to come here. Then after you call him and find me a dagger . Make sure its sharp too." Brandon then laughed.

Dylan just looked at him with a blank expression and didn't move.

"Well? Im waiting!" Brandon said getting angry.

"I WILL NOT! HE IS MY FRIEND! " he yelled

I have never seem Dylan be forward. He is so quiet at school. I knew though that Dylans statement pissed off Brandon.

"Fine then."

He then opened a drawer and took out what looked like vervain. He took it and shoved it to Dylan's throat.

"No don't hurt him!" I said

Brandon looked at me and then shoved more of the vervain down Dylan's throat and then he started to approach me.

"Why don't you just shut up. Silas probably won't come anyways because he's scared. I will kill anyone with him if he even shows up."

"No! He wil-" Before I could finish I felt his hand strike my face and I blanked out once again.

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