Chapter 50

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I smooth out my dress for the hundredth time, glancing in the mirror in mine and Lafayette's bedroom.

We have both agreed that if we are asked by his parents we will pretend that we are sleeping in separate rooms.

It isn't considered proper to be sharing a bed with a man who is not yet your husband but after all of the horrors we have seen and experienced during the war, we knew there are far worse things than being close to each other at night.

I look in the mirror, practising my best smile. "Hello, pleasure to meet you. My name is Y/N."
Does that sound a bit odd? "Hello, my name is Y/N. It's so wonderful to finally meet you."

I frown slightly,  wondering what in hell I'm supposed to say to my fiancée's parents. I let out a loud sigh and shake my head. "Why does this have to be so difficult?" I mumble to myself.

"It shouldn't have to be, you know." I turn quickly towards the door, startled by the sudden voice. Jefferson is leaning against the door frame, a small smile playing on his lips.

I roll my eyes at him. "Of course it has to be difficult. Otherwise it wouldn't be worth it." I say deliberately.

"I think you have it wrong Miss Lee." He says smirking slightly.

Raising an eyebrow at him I ask "How so?"

"Well...I think anything worthwhile should be easy. It should come naturally. Take relationships for example." He says casually strolling over to the bed and sitting down on it.

For some reason unknown to me I follow him over to the bed, sitting beside him.

"And what would you know about relationships?"

"I know about your relationship. I know you're not satisfied."

"Excuse me?" I ask, shocked by his statement , but he continues.

"I know that you feel as if Lafayette doesn't spend a lot of time with you. I know you wish to be back in America. I know you thought coming to France would be a fresh start full of new beginnings but you have realised you were wrong. Your fiancée is always gone,  you don't have friends over here and-"

"I have you." I blurt out.

He looks taken aback for a moment but quickly regains his composure.

"And what do you think you have with me?" He asks slowly,  and much to my shock, I notice him starting to lean in towards me.

A/N: hey everyone please don't hate me... I know I haven't uploaded in an actual age. I've had so many exams and there's been a lot going on. I'm going to make it up to you all though. There will be another chapter early tomorrow. This is more of a filler chapter, and since some of you have requested another Jefferson moment I thought I'd throw one in. What do you all think of Jefferson? And what do you think will happen ;)? Y/N will be meeting Lafayette's parents in the next chapter which will be up tomorrow. Thanks for reading, commenting,voting and following me. Love you all x

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