Chapter 14

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The man who took me is now lying on the floor with the other man kicking him over and over. He stops after a moment and look over at me. I see his face.

     It's General Washington.

  "Y/N. My god. What did he do to you?" Washington asks me, his eyes full of concern. I try to speak but my words get caught in my throat and I begin to cry. He rushes over and wraps his arms around me and I cry into his chest. He doesn't seem to mind that I'm  getting his coat wet. "You're safe now? Okay? You're gonna be alright." He says trying to calm me down. I finally stop crying and wipe away my tears.

"Let's get you out of here." I nod my head and go to stand up. He eyes the sheets that are wrapped around me and then sees my dress on the ground. "Would you like a moment?" He asks and I slightly nod my head, embarrassed.

Washington walks over to my attackers unconscious body. "Hmph." He grunts before grabbing the mans legs and dragging him out of the tent.

I quickly get dressed and leave the tent. Washington is waiting out there for me but the man is nowhere to be seen. I panic thinking that he got away. "Don't worry Y/N." He says quickly seeing my expression. "I had one of my men take him away and lock him up until I decide what to do with him" I breathe out in relief not realising that I had been holding my breath.

I notice we're on the other side of the camp. I hadn't been over this way before. I look around at the men who are all looking at me. I feel frightened of them. What if they try to hurt me? I don't want that to happen again... I think Washington noticed that I was feeling uncomfortable because he keeps shooting glares at any man who looks at me. Im grateful for that.

After a few moments Washington starts talking to me. "We were looking for you all night. Lafayette is a wreck. He'll be glad that you're safe." I smile slightly at the thought of seeing Lafayette. I just want to be with him.

Another few minutes of walking and we've reached the tent. There are voices coming from inside. "Laf she'll be okay. Laurens, mulligan and loads of other people are out there looking for her. Heck, even the general has taken time off strategising to find her." I hear Hamilton's voice say. "I should be out there too!" He shouts at Hamilton. "Be sensible. You've been searching all night. You're in no fit state to do anything but rest." "I have to find her!" "Calm down,please." "Why don't you understand Hamilton?! I love her and if anything happens to her..." I hear him break down. Washington gives me a look as if to say "you better get in there." I nod and mouth a thank you. He smiles and wraps me into a hug then walks off. Probably back to work.

I take a deep breath and walk in to see Hamilton comforting a distraught Lafayette who is sitting down with his head in his hands. Hamilton sees me and gives me a huge smile and elbows Lafayette who looks up and to see me standing in front of him.

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