Chapter 36

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I'm not sure I'm fully processing what's happening. I can't bring myself to think the words.  The horrible words that John Laurens, my friend is dead.

The next few days are spent in various rooms of Hamilton and Eliza's house. Sitting in the living room, crying in the bedroom, talking things over in the dining room and wondering why in the kitchen.

Lafayette and I only have one day left here before we have to travel to France. But I'm not sure I want to go anymore.

      I've been looking forward to it for such a long time, I've always wanted to see another place in the world but now, after all that's happened it just feels like the wrong time...

     "Y/N?" A voice calls, pulling me out of my thoughts. I look over and see Eliza standing at the door, smiling softly at me. I shake my head slightly  as if it would clear my mind and stand up returning a small smile. "Is everything alright?" I ask her. She seems a little bit nervous, like she wants to say something but doesn't know how. With a small sigh she walks over and sits in the chair beside me.

      "Lafayette was saying he wasn't sure if you wanted to go to France with him anymore..." She says quietly.

"He told you that?" I ask unsure. It isn't like Lafayette to go to other people to get them to solve his problems. Eliza seems to notice the look on my face and lets out an awkward laugh.

     "He um...he didn't ask me to come to you. He didn't actually say anything to me either. I overheard him talking with Hamilton...he said that every time he talks to you about going to France lately you get a little bit...distant" she says, looking sort of embarrassed.

      "You overheard them?" I ask her raising an eyebrow and smirking at her. "That seems like a lot of information to gather from just overhearing..." As soon as I say that she goes red in the face and I start laughing. 

     "Shut up" she mutters trying to look annoyed but fails and soon starts laughing along with me.

     When we finally stop I give her a small smile. "You know...that's the first time I've laughed since we heard about John."  I admit and she gives me a sad look. "Me too."

      A tear rolls down my face and I feel Eliza's arms around me as she gives me a tight hug.

     She pulls away after a moment and takes my hand, pulling me out of the room and to the front door. I give her a questioning look as she opens the door and drags me outside. "Alexander and Lafayette are with Phillip. They should be able to manage for awhile. There's a nice park nearby. Let's go for a walk." She says smiling brightly at me and I nod.

      It must  be terribly lonely for her living out here away from her family and friends. I know the feeling and it's not a good one. As we make our way to the park I forget all the bad things that have been happening and think to myself how lucky I am to be alive right now, here with my friend.

A/N: sorry this is kinda bad. I have some interesting things planned though, that I hope you'll enjoy. Thanks for all the comments. You guys are so sweet and you've really helped me with this book X thanks for reading, commenting and voting! I hit 5k the other day! What? 😱💞

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