Important for future of story-please read

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As I'm sure you all know in the musical there are pretty big gaps in time for example-

The battle of Yorktown is won, Hamilton goes home to Eliza and his new son.  (in dear theodosia Phillip is still a baby ) and only a few songs later we are into take a break and Phillip is nine. Hamilton's affair is revealed not too long after when Phillip is about nineteen (correct me if I'm wrong)

I can stay 100% true to history but it would include significant times  gaps as I would like to include the other characters (such as Hamilton) in the main storyline.

If I used time gaps (which would be like saying *10 years later* and that sorta thing) there would be big skips and main events in Lafayette and Y/N's life might be skipped over a bit.

I could ignore the time gaps and maybe make it seem like not as much time has passed? Which I know wouldn't be true to history but might be more enjoyable to read. Or maybe I might stop it soon if you guys are getting bored or aren't enjoying it?

Anyway, I hope that wasn't too long and that it made sense. 

Please let me know what you'd rather happen....

Would you rather have me:

•Include time skips

•Ignore the big time gaps

•End the book soon

Please comment what you'd rather me do. Thanks for reading, voting and commenting X

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