Chapter 19

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     After another while of talking to Mulligan, Lafayette walked in the door. I jumped up and threw my arms around him. "Thank god you're okay. Oh I was so worried. Don't ever do that again!" I say all in one breath and then realise that Washington is standing behind him.

I feel my cheeks turn red from embarrassment and I take a step back from Laf. "General Washington. Um hello sir sorry..." I half mutter, looking down at my feet which were suddenly very interesting.

"It's quite alright Y/N" he says laughing. I force a smile and look at Lafayette who seems to be more relaxed then he was earlier. I wonder what happened.

"If you don't mind Mulligan would you let the three of us speak for a moment?" Washington asks although it wasn't really a question. Mulligan nods his head and leaves the tent giving me a small smile.

"Now Y/N I know you're supposed to be leaving as a spy soon" the general starts as soon as the door closes. "But due to recent events I have reconsidered this. I now think you may be more at risk if you go undercover. So I have come up with an alternative task for you."

     I nod my head slowly, not knowing if this was a good or bad thing.  "You shall be staying at camp for awhile longer. Lafayette will be travelling to France in not too long to try and gather more support and I think you should go with him."

     As soon as he said those words a huge smile spread across my face. I composed myself as quickly as I could and cleared my throat. "I would be delighted to, sir." I half said, half squealed. Lafayette smiled at me and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me in close to him.

     "Alright I'll be off so. I'll talk to you two soon." Washington said awkwardly as Laf and I were smiling at each other. I thanked the general as he left the tent. As I looked up at Lafayette, all memories of what had happened yesterday were wiped from my mind.

    "How do you feel about us not being separated after all?" Laf said grinning at me. "Um...I dunno I was sort of looking forward to getting away from you." I say smirking at him. "Oh so it's like that?" He asks raises his eyebrows. I nod my head at him trying to keep a straight face. "I see..." He says and tackles me, pushing me down onto the bed and tickling me. I laugh uncontrollably "Laf stop it!" I shout through laughs. "Make me"

     I pull him down on top of me and kiss him. He abandons the tickling and deepens the kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck and- "Easy there you two!" A voice says from the door. I look up to see mulligan laughing at us. "For god sake..." Lafayette mutters under his breath. I laugh and sit up on the bed pushing Laf off me.

     "What do you boys say we go and grab some drinks?"

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