Chapter 27

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We stay in the tent for awhile, not saying much. After about half an hour Lafayette turns to me. "Y/N would you like to go for a walk?" He asks and I nod my head quickly.

I love my friends but right now the tent was depressing and I wanted to get out for awhile.

"I saw your face earlier when I said Eliza was pregnant...are you alright?" Laf asks me after afew minutes of walking. I look up at him and take a deep breath and sigh.

"Well... It's weird. I know her. We've were friends as kids until our families started fighting but anyway I don't know... I'm really happy for her don't get me wrong it's just..." I stop, not knowing how to put my thoughts into words.

Lafayette looks at me like he understands even though I don't expect him to. "It must be hard for you." He begins taking my hand, "Eliza and Alexander...they're married and now expecting a child and here we are. Fighting for our lives in a battlefield..."

Wow. I didn't think he would know how it felt. I must have looked surprised because he lets out a low chuckle. "Oui, Ma cheri I think about that kind of thing too." He says and I laugh.

We keep walking for another while, talking about everything that came to mind. I tell him how I feel about the Schuylers. About how much I miss the sisters.


"Dad?" Sixteen year old me asks my father who is sitting in his chair by the fire reading the paper. "Yes sweetie?" He mumbles not looking up from his paper.

"Why don't we see the Schuylers anymore?" At this he looks up and frowns, thinking for a moment before starting to read again.

"Father! I want to see angelica and Eliza. I haven't seen them in weeks!" I practically shout and this time he puts his paper down.

"Y/N, sometimes people get into fights and then they don't talk much anymore..." He tries to explain. "Dad I'm not five. Don't talk to me like I'm a kid!" I say getting annoyed at him.

"Don't use that tone with my young lady. The Schuylers and our family share different political views. And it has become a problem. Now let's have no more about it."

I sigh and turn away from him as Charles walks into the room. "Y/N. Come on let's go ride the horses." He says and I nod, leaving with him, still angry at my father.

*flashback over*

"Must have been tough." He says when I finish telling him the story. "You've no idea." I mutter. "They were the only friends I had and now I don't even know them anymore."

We head back the rest of the way to the tent in silence.

When we arrive we see general Washington sitting on one of the beds.

As he sees us come in he stands up and looks at Lafayette. "I have a plan. And I need your help."

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