Chapter 9

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I wake up in the morning to feel an arm wrapped around my waist. I smile as I remember that it's Lafayette and I cuddle closer into him. "Good morning ma cheri." He murmurs into my ear. I sit up and look at him, smiling. "Good morning Laf. Have you been awake long? You could've left,you know." I say to him ,quickly, worried that I kept him here if he wanted to leave. "No I haven't been up long." He says pulling me down into his chest again. "You were comfortable anyway. I wouldn't have moved"He murmurs still sounding half asleep.

     Just as I close my eyes I hear the tent door open followed by a loud wolf whistle. "What do we have here!" Mulligan shouts running over to the bed. He jumps on and wraps me and Lafayette in his giant arms "GROUP HUG!" He shouts to which Laurens comes running over to join us leaving Hamilton looking at us from the door with an exasperated expression. "So are you two a thing now?" Mulligan asks as he releases us from the hug. I sit up and look over at Lafayette who answers for me. "No not at all. Y/N was tired, and I was only trying to make her comfortable." He says with his thick French accent. I look down disappointed. I'm probably being stupid thinking he would like me, thinking there was something between us. I try to hide my disappointment and force a smile. "Yeah. We're just friends." I say looking over Mulligan who raises his eyebrow and shrugs.

     "Well I better get ready for today." I say hinting that they should leave for a moment to let me get changed. Thankfully they catch on and there are various murmurs saying they'll be back later and they'll give me some privacy. From the corner of my eye I see Lafayette get up and leave the tent with the other men. I felt his gaze on me but I avoided looking at him. When they all left I began getting ready.
     I change into the nicest things I brought hoping to impress Washington today. Just as I am ready and about to leave the tent I hear the door open and see a tall man in a generals uniform. I immediately stand taller and salute him. "General Washington it's a pleasure to meet your sir." I say to him and reach out my hand to shake his. He smiles back at me. "Please miss the pleasure is all mine. Now if you don't mind we have some business to see to." I nod my head as he sits in a chair and pulls out several papers from his jacket and hands them to me. "What do you make of these?" He asks as I read as I them. These are from the British army. They hold some of their strategy. "Sir how did you come by these?" I ask him curiously. "So you know what they are." He said smiling. "Y/N, you are the only woman we have here and I intend to use that to  our full advantage. The redcoats will not expect us to send a woman as a spy." "You want me to be a spy?" "Yes I do. I believe that would be the best move we can make, what do you say?" I  think about it for a moment. I'll be away from here. Away from Lafayette...but he sees me as a friend anyway. And I'll be away from Charles which will avoid any awkward run ins. I take a deep breath and smile at general Washington. "I'm in"

A/N : I'm sorry I know this is terrible. I'll make up for it in the next chapters I promise. X

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