Chapter 3

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I spend all of Tuesday packing without being bothered by my parents. In the evening timeI heard a knock at my door. I quickly pushed my bag under my bed before saying "Come in" Charles walked into the room smiling his usual cocky smile. "I'll be off now Y/N. Take care of mother and father. I'll trust I'll see you before the wedding." He said winking at me. I roll my eyes as he pulls me into a hug. "I'll miss you sis" he said softly. "I'll miss you too Charles" I say trying to sound as if I am not about to follow him to Washington's station.
     I pull out of the hug and say  "you best be off now you wouldn't want to keep the general waiting" he gives me an odd look but then replies "Alright  Y/N. Take care of yourself." And with that he leaves the room. As he does I pull my bag from under my bed. 
     I open it and take out the letter I wrote for my parents explaining everything. I sighed as I left it on my bed and took one last look at my room before I picked up my bag and make my way to the back door. My parents are on the porch saying goodbye to Charles. My mother is crying as my father gives Charles his pistol. I turn away and leave the house and make my way to the stables. My horse, Tommy whinnies as I approach. " we're going on a little trip okay buddy?" I say to him as I tack him up and attach by bag to the saddle. I pack another small bag with some food and treats for Tommy. This is his first night time trip and I want him to be as comfortable. I mount Tommy and give him a light kick "Off we go boy" I say and he responds by trotting out of the stables up towards the gates out the front of our house. I realise my mother and father have spotted me as I hear them scream my name as Tommy canters out the gates. I ignore their shouts and ride off into the night.

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