Chapter 11

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"You really like her don't you?" "No Hamilton...I...I think I'm in love with her."

Oh god. Did he really just say that. For a moment I feel overjoyed and imagine a life with him but then I remember...I'm leaving in three days. I want to go outside to Laf and tell him I feel the same. But is that fair? Is it fair tease ourselves with the possibility of a future together and then leave afew days later? Is it fair to start a relationship but then have it ripped away from us so suddenly? But what if I don't make it back here alive? What if something happens to him? Shouldn't we spend these days together? I'm so confused  and I don't know what to do. I see the tent door begin to open so I quickly launch myself onto my bed and pretend to be reading over the letter.

     Lafayette and Hamilton walk in together and look at me. I smile at them and Hamilton smiles back but Laf looks away. "So only three days left here with us eh Y/N?" Hamilton asks me pretending like nothing had happened outside but of course he thought that I didn't know. "Yeah. I guess so." I say half heartedly trying to catch Lafayette's eye but he won't look up and meet my gaze. I am so distracted that when Hamilton says something else, I don't quite catch it. I can't wait any more. "I'm sorry Hamilton but can I speak to Lafayette privately please ?" He gives me a knowing look, nodding and leaves he tent with just Lafayette and me left inside.

     For a moment neither of us say anything and he still doesn't look at me. Then just as start to talk he says something. I laugh awkwardly at the fact that we had both spoken at the same time. God why was I so awkward?  "You go first ma cheri" he says finally meeting my eyes and giving me a small smile.

     "I heard what you said outside." I mumble not thinking about what I was saying. He looks up at me with a look of shock and worry in his eyes. "Ma cheri I apologise I um...I wasn't-" "I feel the same way." I cut him off. He gives me a look, not knowing whether or not I'm being honest with him. "Look Laf...I know I'm leaving soon and I know there is a chance one of us might not make it through this war but I think we deserve some small amount of happiness even if it doesn't last very long and if-"I ramble on but this time it's him who cuts me off as he walks over to me and cups my face. He leans closer into me as I look into his eyes. I've never noticed how dark they were before. He presses his lips against mine as I wrap my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss.  I get lost in the feeling of his lips on mine and think that nothing could ruin this moment as-

"Well well what do we have here?!" I hear mulligan's familiar voice boom. Laughter follows his comment coming from Laurens and Hamilton. Lafayette sighs as he pulls away from me and glares over at the three men who had just entered the tent. "Was that completely necessary?" He asked exasperated. I know I should be slightly annoyed at the moment being ruined but to me this is perfect. Being here with my friends and I guess ...boyfriend? "Of course it was necessary." Laurens laughed. "It took you two long enough" Hamilton muttered under his breath with the other men nodding in agreement and I laugh. Laf wraps his arms around me from behind and leans his head on my shoulder. "So what exactly is it we can help you with?" He asks in his slightly irritated French accent. Mulligan grins widely at him. "We're heading down to grab some drinks and celebrate you two!" He practically shouts. Damn, he has such a loud voice. "Okay let's go then." I say. Lafayette raises an eyebrow at me. "Oh come on it'll be fun" I tell him and he smiles at me as we start to make our way down to the pub.

A/N: I hope this is okay. I don't really know whether or not I'm happy with it but ya... Please let me know what you guys think and hopefully you're enjoying. Thanks so much for reading and voting X

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