Chapter 2

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I wrote a letter to general Washington two weeks before Charles announced he would be joining the revolution. I explained that I wanted to fight for freedom. I told him I was a fluent French speaker, a good fighter and that I had brains to spare. However I may have forgotten to mention my gender, signing off with (first letter of your name) .Lee
     This morning while I was having dinner with my family our maid came in with our mail. "Miss Lee something came for you" she said handing me and envelope. "Who's this from?!" Charles exclaimed grabbing the letter from my hands. "Charles give it back!" I yell trying to rip the envelope from his grip. "Is there a special someone we don't know about, eh Y/N?" He winked at me finally letting the letter go. "That's none of your concern Charles"  I practically hissed at him. "Alright you two that's quite enough." My father spoke, addressing the two of us sternly. "Charles please sit down and be mannerly at the table and...Y/N?"
He asked in a softer tone, " are you being courted?" I rolled my eyes at this comment "no father I'm afraid not" I say to him. "Pity. It's about time we marry you off, don't you think"  he said with my mother nodding in agreement. "No. I don't think that father" I say standing up from the table. "I'll be in my room" I walk away from the table into my bedroom hearing my mother say "give her time John. She'll come around." I sigh closing my door. After all that drama I had almost forgotten about the letter. I rip it open and begin to read...

Dear Sir,
I hope this letter finds you in good health,
I would be delighted to have you join our service. I hope you can make your way to our station by dawn this Wednesday?
Kind regards,
G. Washington   

I smile to myself thinking I can leave soon. Then I realise. Today is Tuesday. He wants me there tomorrow. For a moment I think that I cannot leave tomorrow as Charles is leaving later today. I cannot leave my parents alone. Then I think that this isn't about them. They have never supported me in anything except in the idea of marriage, something I was strongly against. I had to do this. For me. And for my country.

A/N:I'll keep going if people reading it are enjoying it. Please comment if I've made any mistakes or if there are bits I can improve on. I hope you like it X

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