Chapter 39

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Do this family a favour and remove yourself from it. I do not wish to hear from you again. I'm sorry it has to be this way but you haven't left me any choice,
John Lee

After a few moments of silence I realise that my eyes are beginning to get watery so I quickly pull myself together and start to pack up the rest of my things. As I'm packing, Lafayette grabs a hold of my hand and pulls me out of the room and down the stairs. He pulls  me out of the house through the front door and we begin to walk down the familiar path to the park we had both spent a lot of time visiting together

We don't say much on the way, the only communication between is him repeatedly asking me if I'm alright. I tried to stay calm but it really started to bother me. After what seems like the hundredth time he asks me I finally snap at him.

"Look! I'm fine! Okay? My parents don't want to see me ever again!That's fine! We're moving across the world to a foreign country. That's fine too! We're going to meet your family who will probably not approve of me! Super fine! I mean if my own parents don't think I'm worth anything then why on earth should yours?! So yes I'm absolutely fine! Stop asking!"

As I say that I feel the tears running down my face. I try to wipe them away and cut them off but they keep coming and I just can't stop them.

I collapse onto the ground and put my head into my hands, finally realising what's happening.

I feel an arm around me as Lafayette pulls me close to him. "Ma cheri...I'm sorry, I know we have a lot to talk about but I have to ask you...are you really worried about my parents? Because I am sure they will love you. Of course it is true that in France no one will have knowledge of your family so of course our marriage will not be one  that brings my family a higher status like most families would want but that's never what mine have ever  wanted. They have always just  wanted me to be happy and what makes me happy is you."

I gasp as he speaks. I'm  aback by his words. I stay silent for a moment before I realise something.

"Laf? You said mentioned marriage...You said our marriage."

His face scrunches up and he mutters something in French which I assume is not a word one would use politely.

"Damn it...I wanted it to be special and a surprise but now I've gone and ruined it..." I hear him murmur under his breath in frustration.  I look up at him, confused and not sure what's going on.  "Ah! Here goes nothing." He mutters and he takes a deep breath.

Before I really know what's happening, he's in front of me on one knee holding a ring.

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