Chapter 40

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Before I really know what's happening, he's in front of me on one knee holding a ring.

I stare at him in shock for a moment without a clue of what to say or do.

I've been stressing for weeks about the fact that I'm moving across the world,away from everything I know and this morning to make things worse I found out my parents have disowned me.

But looking at Lafayette in front of me wipes those things from my mind. How strange it is that thoughts I couldn't get rid of no matter how hard I tried just completely vanish as soon as he says the words.

"Y/N...I love you more than anything else in the world. From the second I laid eyes on you in Washington's camp I knew you were going to change my world. You've been brave, strong and incredible through every second I've known you. Being with you makes me happier than I've ever been and there isn't anyone else I'd rather spend my life with than you. Would you do me the incredible honour of becoming my wife?"

He looks up at me with a mixture of hope, love and nerves in his eyes.  Looking into his eyes I finally find my voice. "Yes...yes! Yes I'll marry you!" I practically shout as I feel tears running down my face.

Lafayette jumps up smiling and wraps me tight in his arms. He pulls away after a moment and shakily slides the ring onto my finger.

Our moment is disturbed when we hear  church bells. Lafayette curses in French and grabs my hand. "What's going on? What's wrong?" I ask confused.

"Ma cheri those's twelve noon we have to hurry or we'll miss the boat!" 

I look back at the park as we run full speed back to the house to get our bags and take a mental picture. I never want to forget this place.

A/N: sorry I know this chapter is long overdue. I know it's no excuse but I really have been so busy. Im really looking forward to writing about the France adventure! Please don't hate me for being so late and I know this chapter isn't great :( I'll have another chapter up in the morning hopefully. (GMT time)
Thanks for reading!

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