Chapter 31

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The battle of Yorktown. 1781.

Hamilton came with the troops to Chesapeake bay where Lafayette and I were waiting.

Everything went to plan thanks to mulligan who was spying on the British government, smuggling information to us and Lafayette, Washington and Hamilton's battle strategies.

After a week of fighting a man wearing a red coat stood up and waved a white hanker chief, signalling that they were surrendering.

There were murmurs as our side lowered our guns.

And suddenly it was over. We counted our dead and tended to the wounded.

Looking at all the dead bodies it was hard to imagine that we were free.

The terms of surrender were negotiated and we escorted the British out of Yorktown.

And now we're back where it started. In the campsite where it all began, waiting to head home, In the little pub getting a round of drinks.

"It doesn't feel the same does it?" I ask, breaking the silence as Hamilton, Lafayette and I sit at a small table in the corner.

"No. It doesn't." Hamilton sighs taking a sip of his drink.

It feels weird not having mulligan and Laurens here. It's too quiet.

We finish our drinks and head up to the tent. "So when are you going home?" I ask Hamilton as we walk. "Tomorrow morning. I'm leaving tomorrow and I'm going to meet my son..." He said half to himself.

"Please tell Eliza I sent my love." I smile over at him.

He stops walking for a moment and looks over at us with wide eyes. "You should come to visit!" He exclaims. "What?" I ask with a small laugh, assuming he was messing.

"Come and visit us. Laf I know you aren't to head back to France for another week so stay with us for awhile." He says looking delighted with himself that he had come up with the idea.

"Ham...I'm not sure that is the best idea...I mean you are to meet your son for the first time and we wouldn't want to intrude." Lafayette says exactly what I was thinking.

Despite Lafayette making a very good point Hamilton rolls his eyes. "Y/N I know you were friends with Eliza as children. She'd be delighted to see you."

I know the real reason he wants us to come is probably because he knows well that Eliza is surely angry at him for going back to fight in the war when she wanted him to stay to meet their son and that seeing us may take her mind off things for awhile.

But Hamilton doesn't seem like he's going to give up until we say we'll go with him... And I would love to see Eliza again...I look over at Laf who seems to be thinking the same thing. I give him a look and he nods.

"Oui alright...we will come. But only for a few days." Lafayette says to which Hamilton grins widely. "Wonderful!" He half shouts.

When we arrive back at the tent Hamilton goes straight to his bag and pulls out some paper and a quill and begins to write.

"Who are you writing to? Eliza?" I ask him and he looks up.

"Hmm? No. We should be back by tomorrow evening. It won't reach her in time. This is for Laurens. I want to make sure he's alright." He says and then goes back to writing the letter.

I make my way over to my bed and collapse. I'm completely exhausted. I open my mouth to say goodnight but as soon as my head hits the pillow I'm asleep.

A/N: oh my god. 2.5K reads?! That's crazy! thank you so much for reading, commenting and voting it honestly means so much. Sorry I haven't updated in awhile I've been busy getting ready to go back to school. I'm going to try and write as much as I can when I go back so hopefully it won't be this long without an update again. Thanks again for reading 💞

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