Chapter 42

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It's been three weeks since we boarded the ship and we are due to arrive in France later today. I sit on the bed in our small room which I've grown quite sick off. It's been quite boring being on the boat. The first few days, Even the first week wasn't so bad but then after that there was nothing new to do and all that was left to do was wait.

Laf has been really busy. He says he has loads of reports to write about what happened during the war. I know that he has to do it and I feel selfish for saying it but I really wish he would stop so that he could be spending time with me right now. He should be finished soon enough though and we will land and finally get off this boat in a few hours.

Apparently this Thomas Jefferson man who I've heard many things about will be collecting us when we land. I'm anxious to meet him because I know he's a pretty big deal and I don't want him to get a bad impression of me or Lafayette.

I remember Jefferson's name coming up a few times in conversations at camp. Hamilton seemed annoyed whenever he was mentioned. I vaguely remember him saying something about how Jefferson hadn't worked for anything his whole life and how he was probably partying in France while we were all stuck in the trenches fighting in the war.

"Ma cheri!" Laf says walking into our small room and pulling me up off the bed. "We are landing soon. You should try to get some sleep before we arrive. Jefferson will be meeting us and he'll accompany us to Paris!" I smile and nod at Lafayette letting out a small laugh at his enthusiasm. Over the last few days he has been getting more and more excited to arrive. It's clear that he was extremely homesick. He gives me a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving the room again. I lay down on the bed and close my eyes, smiling as I think that when I wake up we'll be in France.


"Well hello there!" A tall man says running up to Lafayette and me. We have just disembarked the ship and I couldn't be happier. Being in the ship had made me go slightly crazy from boredom and cabin fever so I couldn't be happier to have my feet on land again.

Lafayette shakes hands with the man who I assume to be Jefferson. I look him up and down and have to bite down hard on my tongue so I don't laugh. He is fine attractiveness-wise but his clothes! Talk about fake royalty... I swear I must be temporarily blind from looking at his coat. It's completely normal aside from the colour that's a bright and (very much in your face) pinky-purple. His trousers thankfully are not the same colour and are a much more ordinary basic black pair of pants. Just as I'm about to analyse his shoes Laf gives me a nudge and not so subtly gestures to the man who has his hand out to shake mine with a somewhat uncomfortable look on his face. I gulp as I realise he must have been holding his hand out for awhile but I had been to caught up investigating his apparel to notice.

I quickly clear my throat and stick out my hand and take his as I try to regain my composure. "Sorry sir I got a bit...distracted. My name is Y/N Lee. I assume you are the much acclaimed Thomas Jefferson?" I try to sound flattering but not like I'm trying too hard. He smiles widely and nods his head quickly as I say it and I know immediately not to worry about flattering him too much. He clearly won't mind. "I love your coat Mr Jefferson, it's incredibly stylish." I say enthusiastically trying not to laugh as I test how much I can get away with. Lafayette gives me an odd look as Jefferson laughs and-wait is he blushing?

After a few moments of small talk between Lafayette and Jefferson, he gestures to a carriage. "Alright. To Paris!"


A/N: oh my god you guys! Thanks for being so understanding and patient and thank you so much for all the messages. You guys are the best❤️
I'm so sorry though, for taking so long to update. I'm sorry about this chapter I know it isn't all that wonderful and you're entitled to something that would be worth the wait but I tried my best and I promise I'll get back into writing this again properly now. I'll be needing to take another break probably pretty soon as my family member doesn't have much time now(things have got worse really quickly it's scary) and it seems like soon enough I'll be needing some time to just grieve and during that time I won't be updating as much so I'll try get some chapters ready  to update for during that period.
I hope you all don't think I'm over sharing I just sorta feel like we're a small little family or something? I dunno...
Anyway thanks for reading, voting  and commenting.
(Wow 16k reads !!! )

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