chapter fifty-nine

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I just want to say thank you to all of your kind words you all have been leaving on this story! Your comments make writing it easier and more fun for me!


Everyone has enemies, some people have bullies, everyone is an enemy to someone, and some people are bullies to everyone. I didn't even consider Spencer either, I thought the Spencer situation was case closed and finalized a long time ago, but clearly I was wrong because the more I looked over my life for the past few months I realized, he was everywhere I was, at the same time I was and somehow it hadn't phased me. If I wasn't terrified of him before, I sure as hell was now.

I woke up snuggled into Brendon's arms, I smiled at the softness of his skin and the slight rough feeling from his unshaven face against my neck. I stayed entirely still as I thought through the weekend, I thought back to Ryan's party and Brendon's concern for me, I thought back over my date with Josh, I thought about when I was sprinting through the woods, I thought about how bad I felt that Josh was being played by Spencer like a puppet. I thought about how last night for the first time, I admitted that I loved Brendon.

"What are you thinking so hard about it's only 7am?" Brendon said untangling himself from me and standing up to stretch out.

"Just how Spencer was everywhere and we didn't even know," I said nervous.

"Alex, you don't have to worry about Spencer, please trust me on that one," he said sitting back down and tracing his hands over my thighs. I nodded trying my best to believe him but I knew that today when I sat down in class he was going to be one seat behind me, just like he was all year. "If he says anything to you today, I want you to just ignore him. For all he knows, he doesn't know you know that he was there."

"Okay," I said in an unconvincing tone.

"Only a few weeks left of school, you can do it," he said grabbing my hand and kissing the top of it lightly.

"And then what?" I asked.

"Well then we're done with high school forever, no more Spencer shit, no more useless papers, we can go wherever we want. You and I." He spoke with such confidence and I smiled at him.

"Did you get into college anywhere Brendon?" He walked over to his closet and changed into a black shirt, he didn't turn around though.

"No," he said. "Did you?"

I wasn't looking forward to this conversation, the only person I had talked about college with was Patrick and from the looks of it he was heading off towards the Chicago area to pursue music. I didn't want to think about everyone going their own ways but it was life.

"No," I said. "Not yet at least."

His body relaxed and he turned around and smiled. "I'm sure you'll get in somewhere good."

I nodded and looked around the room.

"You still have some clothes in your old room if you want to go pick something to wear to school," Brendon said motioning to the hall.

I walked out and followed the familiar path to my room and walked into an all empty room that hadn't been touched since I left. There were somethings hanging in the closet but the one thing that caught my eye was Brendon's leather jacket. It was still there, in the same spot I left it. I picked it up and smiled at it then grabbed the rest of my outfit.

I decided on a light blue pair of shorts and a grey crop top, I set the whole outfit by putting on Brendon's jacket and as soon as I felt the leather hit my skin I immediately started to feel like myself again.

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