Chapter 148: A Bad, Unwanted Child

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When Hiroto removed the cape that was blocking the light, Osomatsu realized they weren't even in the house anymore. He wasn't able to look around with his tiny neck stuffed with cotton, but he could hear the sounds of birds chirping and leaves rustling, and judging by the amount of trees that were nearly blocking the sky, they were in a forest. Osomatsu couldn't smell as he was in the form of a pink dinosaur, but somehow, he knew that it would smell of dried leaves and plants, and maybe even wilted flowers. It just had a somewhat dark and eerie feel to it, but somehow.. that made it seem nice and quiet.

Funny. I hate nice and quiet. Loud and flashy is where it's at, unless it's Karamatsu.

There was a lack of green, and instead, just different shades of yellows and oranges. Ah. So it was fall. The dried leaves crunching under Hiroto's feet were enough proof. Poor dude, Osomatsu thought. Even with the coolness of winter, he seemed to be sweating. Being a magician was no joke, especially if you wore such stuffy outfits, and with a heavy cape too. Not even a child was light in his arms, obviously. He looked absolutely tired, panting and all. Nonetheless, he wasn't tired enough. He turned to his son, shakily smiling. "So how was that, Choro?"

Choro looked at him, his bright green eyes sparkling with happiness. He looked so happy that it wasn't even obvious that he was crying. "That was so amazing, daddy! Even better than last time!" Choro cheered, hugging Lizzy close and giggling. "I'll be a cool magician like you one day! But.. maybe not as cool, since daddy is the coolest! Not even I can beat how cool daddy is!"

Such words caused Hiroto to smile brightly, his cheeks turning pink. His previous fatigue was seemingly gone the instant Choro praised him. Of course, praise from a child was the best kind of praise, even though children were easily impressed by anything. "Is that so.." Hiroto muttered to himself.

So he's doing magic for all for the happiness of his son? Impressive.. he really is a guy that's dad-material. Choro must have been so devastated when he lost him..

Magic tricks were obviously hard to pull off. But did Hiroto seriously learn magic just to entertain Choro? Maybe he was spoiling Choro so much, but Choro wasn't turning out bratty in the slightest. Obviously, he adored his parents, more than anything else in the whole world. And in return, Chihiro and Hiroto loved Choro so much, but maybe they were coddling him too much that he was turning out to be a too-sensitive crybaby. But even with that, the family was a small, but happy one. It was just the three of them in their little heaven deep within the forest.

Osomatsu remembered the times his father and mother would do a puppet show for them as kids. He felt a warm and fuzzy feeling in his chest.. and yet, it hurt so much too. The fact that he didn't cherish much of those moments, that is. And here he was now; a grown-ass man in the body of a stuffed dinosaur that was pink in color and was named Lizzy and had a missing hat that he knew was going to look as frilly and as pink as he was right now. He was no longer a child.

Even if I want to stop it.. I have to grow up someday.

He heard Choro's innocent laughter as Hiroto started to talk in a painfully dramatic manner, similar to adult Choro.

Poor kid..

He was eight years old right now. The same age he claimed he was when he lost his parents. Plus, it was fall, and if winter were to come soon, then Choro would be nine years old. If only he could avoid fate.. and if Osomatsu could help him avoid it. At any moment now.. this child could lose his family, and his innocence would disappear alongside it. He would be the oddball named Kodoku Choro that was probably sleeping on the same bed as Jyushi right now, dreaming and having a good rest for once in his life. The Kodoku Choro that was awfully lonely and traumatized by what he has went through.. but still standing as strong as ever.

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