Chapter 109: The Friend

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They had went back to the hospital via the limo Ichi had called for, and just to make sure he didn't escape once he was awake, Kaoru and Kara decided to stay at his room for the time being, along with Choro's nurse. They also made sure to keep the windows blocked. As for Osomatsu and Ichi, they headed back to Jyushi's room, with Osomatsu already thinking of an apology for leaving Todo all alone there. Technically, he wasn't alone, he got Jyushi with him, but Osomatsu still felt bad for just leaving Todo there with the responsibility of watching over Jyushi, who couldn't even remember much at this point.

When they opened the door to his room, however, they saw papers everywhere, as well as a box of crayons sitting on Jyushi's bed. Jyushi had his back turned against the door as he was using the wall as a flat surface to draw something. Todo was sitting on the bed as well, boredly making paper airplanes from the stack of printer paper on the floor and throwing them in whatever direction he wanted. After making yet another one, Todo threw it, and it flew over to Ichi's forehead, lightly poking his skin.

"Ah. You're back. Took you guys long enough. I was starting to think you guys just left me for no reason." Todo stood up from the bed. Jyushi turned to look at them, putting the paper he was drawing on close to his chest and quickly darting under the covers out of fear. Some of the papers on his bed fell to the floor, and the box of crayons tilted over, dropping it's contents. "The fuck happened there? You guys just left without a word. Where's Kara?" Todo scowled, crumpling one of the printer papers that he had planned to fold as a paper airplane.

He was either irritated of getting left behind or irritated at the fact that Kara wasn't with them. Either way, Osomatsu didn't want to die. He was aware that Todo was strong enough to throw a fridge at him, and with that perfect aim of his, he'd probably succeed in doing so.

"Kodoku escaped his room and we chased him down. We found him at an alleyway, bleeding. He probably has a sprained ankle as well." Ichi mumbled, kicking a few of the paper airplanes on the floor. He saw Todo's face upon looking up. "Don't ask how, we don't know either. But he's back now, and Kyabarie's at the other room keeping an eye out for him just in case he tries to escape again. Until then, we're staying here. Period." His eyes darted over to Jyushi who was shuffling under the covers, and his eyes softened. "..How is he, Katsuna?"

"Oh." Well, it was time to leave out the part where Jyushi started crying unless he wanted to have his ass handed to him. "We talked for a bit. You could fill him out on other stuff. I don't know much about him 'sides the basic." He patted Jyushi's head. The latter popped his head out of the blankets and leaned against Todo's hand. "He wanted to draw, so I had the nurse from earlier bring me a box of crayons and a stack of printer paper. Problem is, she brought too much and we made a bit of a mess." He sighed, sitting back down on the bed.

"We can see that. Not gonna lie, I did the same back in high school. Teachers would always get my ass whenever I threw paper planes at them during class." Osomatsu chuckled at the memory, picking up one of the drawings from the floor. It was a scribble of what seemed to be a woman with long black hair and yellow eyes, as well as a purple dress with yellow flowers on her hair. Jyushi was a good artist, despite the fact he just used crayons to make such a simple doodle. He turned to Jyushi, who was once again clinging onto Todo's hoodie. Maybe if he talked to him gently, Jyushi would be less scared. "Cute. Who is this pretty lady over here, Jyushi?" He decided to ask a simple, casual question to lighten up the mood.

Jyushi's calmed down a bit, so I hope he doesn't scream again.

Jyushi looked at him, and then at the drawing, giving Osomatsu a sense of relief. He didn't shy away from them anymore, but was still a bit scared. Still, that was progress. Jyushi wasn't straight-up screaming at them to go away as he did earlier. "..Ah. That's my drawing of my mama." Jyushi said, reaching out for the drawing with his fingers slightly peeking out of the sleeves of his large hospital gown. "Mama. I really like how I drew my mama in that picture."

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