Chapter 115: Pawn of The Devil

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"What did I fucking tell you, Matsuno?! Abusing the program isn't my issue, my issue is that you tire yourself out by running around like a complete moron! You won't be able to use the program when you're tired, remember?!" Ichi scolded as Osomatsu took yet another drink of water, as well as a large bite of the sandwich that Ichi for for him at the food court. Maybe running out and cheering wasn't the best idea, especially since Osomatsu got tired after running around. While the eldest Matsuno was thankful that Ichi was nice enough to buy him a sandwich, Ichi also smacked him with his journal again for being an idiot. "Can you hurry up and finish your snack already?! We need to check on Jyushi, and if you die right on the spot, good luck bringing yourself to the emergency room!"

Dear god, you're so pissy today. Like, you're so pissy, you remind me of Choromatsu or Todomatsu. Or even Totoko-chan- actually, that's an insult to Totoko-chan. At least she punches a wet fish.

Ichi was going to get a heart attack if he kept screaming at Osomatsu as if the latter had murdered his entire family and ate their remains with a plastic fork. Gross comparison, but with how red his face was and how murderous he looked, that probably was the case. Still. Osomatsu was a bit concerned why he got tired after running just a few corners away from the storage room, while he had no issue running around the maze of a manor last night. But he decided not to mind it much, as he was busy focusing on this cheap egg salad sandwich that Ichi got him.

It even came with a small plastic contained containing a salad and a small plastic spoon! They were kind of cute too! Osomatsu put it in his bag, and maybe he'd eat it as soon as he was done with this sandwich, because even if it was cheap, it was a good sandwich that didn't deserve to be at a hospital's food court-

"Matsuno, can you get any slower than that?!" Ichi hissed. "If something happens to Jyushi, I swear to god, Matsuno! I'm going to shove that sandwich up your ass if you don't hurry the fuck up!"

Okay, maybe the salad can wait for me later.

Osomatsu decided to shove the sandwich down his mouth, some crumbs on his face, and then down it with the bottle of water that Ichi also got for him, emptying it completely. Teasing Ichi for being too moody and irritated or snapping at him for the same reason wouldn't be too much of a good idea anyway, so after wiping the crumbs off his face with the sleeve of his red hoodie, he stood up from his seat and stretched. His phone was back in his little red bag now, and he was also done recharging himself just in case something were to kill them again. "Aight. I'm done with my snack now! Let's hustle over to-"

"Osomatsu! Ichi!"

Ah. He knew that voice. Somewhat rough, not too deep, probably belonged to an ex-delinquent, and probably has fluffy pink hair. And sounded an itty bit like Todomatsu too. "Todo?" He turned his head to the direction he heard the sound coming from. Well, this was interesting. Todo looked more of a mess than usual, Osomatsu noted, as some of his hairs were sticking out of place. Was he stressed or something? Never mind that. "Aren't you supposed to be with Kara and Kaoru? And you're kinda pale too, what's with that-"

"I've been there twice already! Where the hell have you guys been?! I went to Lonely's room twice, and the little moron just woke up!" He clenched his fists angrily, gritting his teeth. "When I went to Jyushi's room, you guys weren't there at all! Not only that, but Jyushi himself is not there as well! His room is a mess and bloodied footprints are all over the damn place! Not just that, but there were papers too! And Jyushi's bed sheets had blood as well! Who the fuck wouldn't get scared or worried upon seeing that?! Huh?!"

As expected, Ichi jolted upon hearing about his brother. "W-What?!" Could Jyushi have bled everywhere?! Did Shiyou get to him?! Does he have to call backup now and send Ken-san and the rest of his SWAT Team to infiltrate the hospital?!

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