Chapter 118: The Reset

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Osomatsu snapped his eyes open as he sat up, sweating and panting. He put a hand over his own chest as he tried to regulate his breathing. He couldn't remember what just happened, but he remembered seeing Akumatsu at the hospital. Not only him, but an unconscious Jyushi as well, and Kamimatsu, who had been holding his sword as he floated above them. And then he remembered spitting out something disgusting and he blacked out, with the last thing he heard being Todo's voice. He was sure he heard screaming as well, something about Todo telling Ichi that they needed to run because something was happening-

Wait a minute. Why.. why am I.. in the hotel room?

He looked over to the drawer and spotted his phone. When he looked around the room, he saw Kara sleeping, Todo curled into a ball under the sheets, Iyami about to fall off the bed, and Chibita sleeping with his mouth wide open as he snored. Not only that, but Osomatsu was wearing his blue pajamas. Osomatsu couldn't remember going home and taking a nap with the five of them, but then he realized that it was still rather dark outside, almost as if the sun still hadn't come up. It seemed to still be night, or if it wasn't, probably late in the morning.

Which made no sense whatsoever.

What time is it? Four in the morning? It's still dark as fuck.. darker than Ichimatsu's soul, so that's saying a lot.

Osomatsu could remember getting up and even talking with Todo, before Kara hastily told them to get dressed as soon as he got the groceries. Hell, they even went out to look for Lonely, who escaped the hospital. And Jyushi and Ichi too.. Jyushi lost his memories, and Ichi had been trying to get Jyushi to remember him, to which Jyushi only replied by crying and screaming, and even hiding behind Todo for protection. Then he and Ichi went to the storage room after borrowing the hospital files, only to get locked in by Lonely's nurse, Shiyou, who seemed to be an accomplice of Kamimatsu. Choromatsu then told him about the new program, so Osomatsu used it to blow the door away. And then he and Ichi met up with Todo and ran outside the hospital, as Todo said there was something going on.

Then why am I here? Aren't we supposed to be at the hospital?

Hell, he even remembered something, or someone, rather, going against Kamimatsu, and it was probably a being that was equal to him. But that was it. Osomatsu blacked out afterwards, after he felt an oh-so familiar sensation in his chest and spat out something disgusting. Osomatsu didn't really like to think about that. It felt like he just vomited out the same sandwich Ichi had brought for him earlier, in the form of disgusting black slime that evaporated into black smoke. And he hadn't even eaten out the salad yet! Truly upsetting, Osomatsu thought. He wanted to eat that salad, since it looked good.

Osomatsu picked up his phone, noticing that there were unchecked messages. Strange.. he texted Choromatsu earlier, right? Choromatsu had no reason to worry, since Osomatsu texted him earlier about how he was doing.

When he unlocked the screen, he noticed that the texts were different from what Choromatsu usually sent to him. First of all, each of them were displayed in a different font. Second, instead of the letters being black, they were either red or green. And everything was in all caps. Normally, the texts he got from his brothers weren't like that, unless it was Ichimatsu threatening him.

But these texts were different. And interesting. It was as if it wasn't a messenger app. Rather, it seemed as if the phone had acted as a computer, and a computer had done all the work. Not even Choromatsu was tech-savvy enough to understand this.




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