Chapter 76: Just Another Me

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"Sir?! Sir, please wake up!" Hatabou's eyes snapped open by the sound of Homura screaming into his ear. Well, not really. She was above him, panicking whether he was dead or not, and.. was she holding a roll of bandages and fumbling them around? Some bandages were wrapped around her head, but it seemed as if she fumbled with them too much, and now, she looked like a mummy. A panicking mummy. But when she saw Hatabou's eyes open, she only panicked even more. "Sir! You're awake!" She squealed, tears forming on her eyes. "I thought that you died! Well, I think it's impossible to die from a computer exploding right in your face, but you're alright!"

Hatabou sat up, holding his head. Damn, he was experiencing one hell of a headache. When he finally regained his senses, he realized he was sitting on a mat, with Homura sitting beside him. He realized that some of the guards and employees from Flag Corporation were now in the church, with the doors wide open. Some of them were fixing the computers or cleaning up damage, while others made sure to keep out anything from outside from going inside the church. Fuyu was sitting on a pew with a doctor checking up on her. Dekapan seemed to be in a better condition, as he was drinking tea out of a mug that was given to him by one of his assistants.

"What happened, jo?"

Homura shrugged, playing with her brown hair. "I don't really know, sir! Something was going on with the computers, and before I knew what was going on.. they blew up on our faces! Everyone's doing their best to fix them up now, but the cameras.. well, they've been destroyed. One was destroyed by Lonely-san, but the others? They were destroyed by something else entirely! I had the entirety of the Individual's Information Department assist the guys from the Information Gathering Department too, since they're in charge of the computers and all. Oh, and a lot of the guards went to the mansion. Some are here, as you can see. Ookina-san passed out and just woke up five minutes ago, and Fuyu-san's.. not feeling well, so I had to be in charge of giving out orders.. I hope it isn't too bad, sir."

Homura.. gave out orders, jo? While everyone else couldn't? And they actually listened to her, jo?

He looked around. He could recognize the employees from the Individual's Information Department assisting the ones from the Information Gathering Department in fixing and setting up new computers. The church seemed less unsettling now, since the doors were wide open and there were a lot of people holding up flashlights. Still, the fact that Homura managed to plan out perfectly was amazing. Especially since she was so anxious. Ichi and Jyushi weren't wrong when they said that she'd be a great boss to a certain department, and Homura had a lot of potential. "You did an astounding job, jo. Handling the situation, I mean. Especially since Ookina-san and Fuyu-san were unable to.. how about you, jo? Are you alright? You were the first one out of us whose computer suddenly exploded, jo."

Homura nodded furiously, despite her messy hair becoming even messier. There were a few black marks on her cheeks, obviously from their devices blowing up, but she seemed fine aside from a few scratches. "Y-Yes! Thank you for the concern, but I'm perfectly fine!"

"I can see that Hatabou is awake! Homura-chan, dearie, thank you so much for helping us out!"

Hatabou and Homura looked up at the person who had spoken. Hatabou realized it was the ex-leader of Jyushi's group of bodyguards. "Ex-leader", because he had been allowed by Ichi to quit his job of being the leader in order to lead a normal life, and even gave him a small shop to start a business at. Hatabou couldn't honestly blame him for wanting to give up such a dark life, and Ichi was nice enough to give him a new start. And that new start happened to be nothing more than being a manager of Ichi's favorite clothing shop.

Masayoshi Kaoru. An ex-policeman from the town outside Akatsuka City, was also the ex-leader of Jyushi's squad of trained bodyguards. Now, he was a manager of a clothing shop at Akatsuka Mall, with his shop known as the "Justice for All" establishment.

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