Chapter 50: The Six Same Idiots

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It was the first time in his life that Matsuno Ichimatsu actually got out of bed without being forced up by fussy Choromatsu or hyperactive Jyushimatsu, or even sassy Todomatsu or annoyingly painful Karamatsu. He actually woke up to the sound of an annoying alarm clock beeping loudly, and with irritation, he slammed his palm down on the button to shut it up before he let out a yawn. Shittymatsu and Totty didn't come home last night, nor did Fappymatsu, who probably got drunk or mugged on the way home or something. He clicked his tongue in annoyance, cursing his brothers for deciding to have an argument at a situation like this. Neither of their parents were home, and the only ones at the household were Ichimatsu himself and Jyushimatsu.

Only the two of them had slept on the futon, so there were more pillows for them to play with and make a fort out of. Jyushimatsu was still sleeping with a few buttons of his pajama top unbuttoned, a cold rag on his forehead and a pillow hugged close to his chest. Ichimatsu's eyes softened when he heard Jyushimatsu's ragged breathing, signifying that he still wasn't okay. Ichimatsu carefully removed the damp rag from Jyushimatsu's forehead and placed it on the basin beside the futon, deciding to change it for the day and prepare breakfast for the both of them. Those three other losers can make their own breakfast, Ichimatsu thought bitterly.

However, just before he got up, Jyushimatsu's hand instantly grabbed his wrist. Not hard enough to break it though. "Jyushimatsu?"

His younger brother opened his eyes with a bit of hesitation. His head was throbbing and his throat felt really dry, but he still forced himself to speak regardless. "Ichimatsu-niisan." He choked out, forcing a weak smile. "Good morning. Did Choromatsu-niisan and Totty make up with each other?" He asked weakly, his grip on Ichimatsu's arm loosening up a bit. Jyushimatsu could have normally broken his wrist, but with how sick he was, he could barely sit up without assistance. It didn't help that it was winter too, and Jyushimatsu absolutely hated the cold.

Ichimatsu turned away so Jyushimatsu wouldn't see his frown. Those three assholes better come home soon, he cursed mentally. When he turned back to Jyushimatsu, he made a small smile and ruffled his little brother's hair. "I don't think so. Both are stubborn and I doubt both of them would make up with each other easily. Both of them have the biggest prides in the family, right? I'm sure Shittymatsu's trying his best to make sure both of them apologize to one another." He assured.

Jyushimatsu blinked. "Ah. I see." He mumbled. This was never a good sign. Ever since Osomatsu's "disappearance", Jyushimatsu had never been smiling genuinely, and had only smiled whenever he heard news about Osomatsu from either Choromatsu or Karamatsu, or when they had recorded that little video days ago. Plus, Jyushimatsu was at house arrest in the moment, meaning he couldn't even go to the roof with Karamatsu to sing those little songs they usually sung. With Todomatsu absent, he had no one to play board games with either. And Choromatsu often showed Jyushimatsu one of his weaboo-comics, so even that was out of the list.

Still. Ichimatsu was there. But what could garbage like him possibly do, Ichimatsu thought to himself. Before he could say anything else, he heard the sound of a telephone ringing from downstairs. Jyushimatsu immediately let go of Ichimatsu's arm and gave him a nod, mentally telling him to pick it up and answer it. Ichimatsu wasn't a runner too, but even he had to run downstairs to immediately grab the phone. "This is Matsuno speaking." He panted when he finally picked it up. It didn't really matter which Matsuno he was, since he lived here.


"Professor Dekapan." Ah, so it was just the family doctor and their neighborhood's local professor and inventor. Besides Chibita and Totoko, and their own parents naturally, Dekapan was one of the people that could tell the sextuplets apart from one another. It was probably because of the small things such as their hair, Shittymatsu's eyebrows, Fappymatsu's angular mouth, or their voices, which was the easiest way to tell them apart from one another. Iyami was still mixing them all up for Osomatsu. But Dekapan calling early in the morning meant something either good or bad has been discovered. "Good morning, professor. Is there something wrong right now?" He asked, expecting the worst.

The Disappearance of Osomatsu-sanOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant