Chapter 31: I'm Not A Nice Person

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Hatabou didn't want to ruin Jyushi's day by having bodyguards surrounding them as they walked through the mall, so instead, he had fifteen of Jyushi's bodyguards hiding in multiple spots where they could see where the hyperactive male was going along with his friends. They had been dropped off at the mall with Jyushi telling the driver to pick them up from the park at seven so they could all have dinner together again. Jyushi wasn't really walking, he was only sitting on his wheelchair and using his cane to point out which direction to go. Before Osomatsu could tease Todo and tell him to push Jyushi's wheelchair again, Todo seemed to have done it voluntarily and pretty much assumed it was his duty. Kara noticed and made an amused smirk.

Todo didn't seem to be complaining about it at all; he had been the one to take Jyushi's wheelchair off the car and even help Jyushi walk all the way to it, patting on the seat as he gestured Jyushi to sit down. Now they were currently going through the mall as if it was a normal day with some delinquent-looking young adult pushing the wheelchair of Flag Corporation's president's little brother while his cavalier of a best friend followed, as well as their brother from a different dimension. Everything was normal, as far as everyone around them was concerned.

Todo really is a big softie.

"Ichi-niisan and I know a person at this one shop! He says he used to be a policeman, but now, he has a clothing shop! That's where Ichi-niisan and I mostly get our clothes!" Jyushi kept saying happily, pointing his cane forwards. Todo nodded and kept pushing Jyushi's wheelchair while the other two trailed behind them. Osomatsu had his arms behind his back while Kara's hands were stuffed in his pockets. For some reason, Kara decided to wear his painful shades. "You three were wearing matching hoodies yesterday! Red, pink, and blue! Different designs, but it looked like it was manufactured by the same company! Maybe I should get one for me and Ichi-niisan! Then we can all match!"

"So, we're heading to the department store first? The clothing store?" Todo asked.

Jyushi nodded. "Yup! Then we go buy some food at the supermarket! We'll be having a picnic at the park! And Todo-san!" He used his cane to press against the floor, prompting Todo to stop pushing the wheelchair. Jyushi turned to him, noticing the look on Todo's face. It was the same face he pulled yesterday when Jyushi had told them he would be paying for their dinner. "Let me pay for everything, okay? I don't mind, honest! Plus, we're brothers in Osomatsu-niisan's dimension, aren't we? Let me treat you all to something nice for hanging out with me! It's not often I go out with friends who are also my brothers in another dimension!"

Todo hoped that no one was hearing what Jyushi was saying, or if they did hear, he hoped no one was taking it seriously and just assumed Jyushi was being a child and was spouting nonsense. Todo was more focused on the fact that someone was going to have to pay for them again, and he didn't know why, but he just couldn't handle it. It was the same with him refusing to get Kara involved with his bullshit, so maybe Todo was scared of kindness? Or at least, irked out by it? He was a delinquent and a threat to society, but Jyushi kept insisting he was a nice guy. Plus, he practically lived with a guy that could be a housemaid with his skills for cooking and cleaning. "Still-"

"Is there even any dignity left in you? Or did you lose it when Jyushi called you a nice guy earlier?" Osomatsu teased, slinging a hand over Todo. Kara stayed close to them just in case Todo were to throw Osomatsu on the floors below them, because Todo seemed to be glaring daggers at Osomatsu again. They only left with Osomatsu yesterday, but Kara knew this would be a long-time thing. Or short, depending on how long Osomatsu would be stuck at this dimension. "There's nothing wrong with wanting to be polite, Todo. But save it for another time. Jyushi just wants to share with you."

"Yeah yeah! Osomatsu-niisan put it to words, yay!" Jyushi cheered, using his free hand to wave around, the sleeve flapping wildly. "I only get to share with Ichi-niisan, Hatabou, Fuyu-san, and Yuki-san! I don't get to share much with my-" He suddenly trailed off, almost as if he didn't want to say the next word. "N-Never mind. Anyway! The clothing shop is just ahead! Onward!"

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