Chapter 15: Life and Death

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Katsuna Todo had always been a violent child with a short temper. His parents had bought him to multiple doctors, who had confirmed that he had anger issues that will probably get worse as he grew. Not even psychiatrists wanted to deal with his violent outbursts when he managed to flip an entire couch at the age of four and destroy about five tables each time he visited. His parents thought that maybe by disciplining him as harsh as they could, they could make Todo act like a normal child his age. The "disciplinary" actions being often chiding him whenever Todo did something remotely considered to be offensive at all. Little did they know, Todo became even more bitter at this.

He was just a child and he didn't know why certain things angered him. Up until now, he still doesn't know why he was born like this. And after his parents left him with his grandfather due to the fact they couldn't handle him anymore, Todo got even more violent and angry. But at least his grandfather was patient with him up until his final day in this world, in which Todo had moved in with his only friend at that time and his best friend ever since he was a child, Kyabaria Kara.

Kara had been the only child who had the patience of a saint to deal with him, even as Todo shoved him away when they were kids. From teaching him math to helping him vent out his anger, Kara had always been there. In return, Todo had at least tried as hard as he could to never hurt Kara. Maybe destroy his furniture when he couldn't take it anymore, but physically hurt Kara with his own bare hands? Not really. At least, not on purpose. A lot of times he had hurt Kara by accident, by either flinging a coffee mug with steaming hot coffee, or flipping his couches back at the apartment. Todo's self-loathing was the result of his increasing amount of anger, but Kara had never once tried to attack him.

Kara was a nice guy. He was nice to the point a lot of people in the city would take advantage of him if they were bored. And that's why Todo knew it was his time to make his anger seem useful for once. People couldn't fear Kara because he was really kind, but Todo? That one guy who had intense anger issues as a child, got abandoned by his parents, and pretty much destroyed half the furniture of his best friend's home? He could be scary without even trying. But what would make people fear him to the point they would never even think to hurt people like Kara or Dayon?

Simple; they had to fear him even more.

His strength and his hatred towards people had managed to catch the attention of a large yakuza group in the city.

He had been walking home from a stressful day at Sutabaa when Dayon, of all people, had grabbed him by the arm as he struggled to break free from the other man's grip and bought him to an abandoned building where the feared yakuza group resided. They convinced him to join them as the city's supposed villains, in which he spat at the leader and told him no. That was, until they bought up Kara's name, telling him how no one would take advantage of his friend if they knew his roommate was part of their team.

And Todo instantly accepted. He was stupid to do that, he knew. And he regretted every minute of it.

He had just hurt someone who was trying to go back home, someone who had good intentions and just wanted to see his little brothers again. He had nearly killed Kara with a bottle out of blind rage that could be mistaken as over-protectiveness. Finally, he had just bought two innocent people with intentions to get him back on the right track, with him into this hell known as the basement of the building, in which he'd either die from the beatings he got from his multiple fuck ups, or die from starvation.

But when he woke up from his self-pitying dream, he was lying on Chibita's folded coat while the two of them, Chibita and Iyami that is, were checking his bruises on both his sides. He flinched as one of them suddenly squeezed a sore part of his arm. "You're awake!" Iyami was the one who spoke first when he saw Todo twitch in pain. Todo noticed that Iyami had a few bruises and his hair looked like it had been pulled, his clothes were a bit messy, but somehow, his overbite was perfectly fine. "Me had been worried! You were bleeding from your head really bad!"

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