Chapter 79: Undead Enemy

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"Sweets!" Lonely was utterly baffled. It was Jyushi, but at the same time.. Jyushi's natural happiness, the one that Lonely had grown so fond of.. it wasn't there. Not even the somewhat childlike sparkle in his eyes were present. They were dull, lifeless.. they weren't Jyushi's eyes at all. They were soulless. This wasn't the same boy who Lonely had befriended, the same boy that Lonely considered his first real friend.. and the first person he actually grew to care about besides his parents. Whoever that boy was, the one near the piano and the one with the lifeless yellow eyes, that wasn't Jyushi.

"Surprised? He's a good kid. He screamed a lot, sure, but the end result is absolutely perfect!" Tougou chuckled. It was a shame he wasn't anywhere in the room right now. Because if he was, Lonely would have stabbed him with his sword repeatedly. "That man in white.. he gave me a shard of his power.. and said that no matter what it was, it could be my slave. This kid here resisted a lot, you have no idea.. but in the end, he was weak." He started laughing loudly, his laughs echoing in the room. "You should have seen how he cried! He was begging for his 'nii-san' to save him! It took a lot to break his spirit, and once it did.. it was easier to make him my puppet. And look! He's not a noisy little brat anymore. Surprisingly, he's the opposite! I thought he'd end up being something like Reika, but.." He chuckled. "At least

Todo gritted his teeth. "You fucker! What the fuck did you do to Jyushi?! He isn't like that, and I only met him a few days ago!" He growled, before turning to Ichi. "Hey Ichi. Wasn't that weird girl earlier the same? She had the same dead eyes.."

"..Correct.." Oso spoke up, taking the rose our of his pocket. "Tougou.. he said it himself.. that.. he has.. been given.. a fraction.. of Kamimatsu's power.." At the mention of the name, Ichi, Todo, and Kara's head snapped to him, though Lonely remained confused of what a "Kamimatsu" was. "Tougou.. he's in this room.. and he has.. Kamimatsu's powers.. so.. it's impossible.. for them to.. snap back to normal.. unless I.. take 'it' out.."


"Do you mean.." Lonely uttered out. He promised not to question Oso, just as long as Oso helped him out, but he was honestly confused; was Oso even human? If he was, where did he get those abilities? Is magic actually real? What is a "Kamimatsu"? The questions are endless.. especially since Oso's eyes were as dead as Jyushi's. "The small golden light that you took from both Jiguzou and that girl?"

"What even was that?" Todo asked. "I mean, we were fighting her, then suddenly, that small light appears, and she's knocked unconscious.."

Oso took a deep breath, walking to the front and leaving Kara to handle a whimpering Osomatsu all on his own. "..Kamimatsu's powers.. stick to one's soul..and.. it's hard to.. overcome it.. and.. those who.. are victim to it.. often pass out.. upon removing it.." He placed a free hand over his chest. "In order.. to use his powers.. to it's full.. potential.. there's something that.. you have to.. sacrifice.." He closed his eyes and squeezed his own chest, a pained look on his face. "It could.. be anything.."

Wait a minute..

"Oi, Oso." Todo spoke up again, except it was a quieter voice. It was for Tougou to not hear his voice, especially since they didn't even know where he was. "Osomatsu-niisan told us last night.. about the reason how he ended up in this dimension." He saw Oso's eyes open. "And you.. you were with this 'Kamimatsu', weren't you? Does that mean.. that you were also-"

"What are you whispering about?" Tougou's voice boomed again. Todo clicked his tongue in irritation. "Heh. Are you thinking that Jyushi isn't going to be a good slave, since he seems to be weak compared to you all? Since you don't seem to think that this boy here is capable of being a good puppet.. Jyushi-kun. Why don't you give your brother and his friends a seat?"

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