Chapter 33: Muscle Hustle!

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As soon as they all finished shopping for clothes and food, the group of four exited the mall and made their way towards the park. The four shopping bags filled with clothes were all being carried by Kara, while the bags of food was being carried by Osomatsu. Todo was once again in charge of Jyushi's wheelchair, and Jyushi's job was to lead them all to the park by pointing his cane everywhere. Jyushi also bought a large box of cake, which was resting on his lap. At least the trip to the supermarket was much more normal than the clothes shopping, and Osomatsu didn't dare to give Jyushi another wild ride. Todo had caught up to him, and after gently handing Jyushi to Kara, both of them started bickering if not for Kara breaking up their petty argument yet again.

Of course, Osomatsu didn't mind carrying three bags of groceries, since Kara was carrying four bags of clothes which were probably heavier in comparison. Todo insisted on helping them earlier, but Kara assured him that they'd be fine. Todo would have to make sure that Jyushi was okay and he wouldn't drop the cake that was sitting on his lap. "Oh. There it is. The park." Todo murmured, seeing the park across from where they were. Sure, there was snow everywhere, but Jyushi wanted to go there so Todo didn't complain. "We need to cross the street, right?"

Jyushi nodded excitedly. "Yup! Then we find a spot to eat our food at! Then we talk about stuff lots and lots, and go play!"

"Let's wait for the lights to go red then." Osomatsu said, noticing the large amount of cars passing by. It must be a busy day, but there wasn't too much traffic, so there was nothing to complain about. Besides, traffic tended to stress out the drivers and cause a lot of unneeded noise. "Can't risk getting run over."

Once the lights flickered to red and all the cars stopped, Todo checked both sides of the road before pushing Jyushi's wheelchair, deciding he and the group should go behind the crowd and not rush at all. Kara and Osomatsu followed behind them, whistling a tune as they walked to their destination. Osomatsu didn't notice a small tear on the bottom of one of the plastic bags, and when the group finally got to the middle of the road, the bottom of the plastic bag ripped open, the contents slipping out. "Ah!" Thankfully, that plastic bag only contained the plastic utensils, plastic cups, and paper plates, so no food had spilled out. Osomatsu frowned. "Well, shit. What in the actual living fuck? How did I not notice that?"

"The plastic bag gave in? Damn, we should complain about this next time. They could have at least doubled the plastic bags if they're so thin. These are the kinds of plastic bags that can't handle more than three tubs of ice cream." Kara knelt next to Osomatsu to help him pick up the items. He handed the shopping bags to Todo, who had let go of the handles of Jyushi's wheelchair when he heard the items clack against the road. "Hold this please. Oh, and you bring Jyushi to the sidewalk first. I'll help Osomatsu-niisan."

Todo frowned. Not at the fact that he was being charged to carry shopping bags while pushing a wheelchair, but at the fact that no one had stopped to help Osomatsu, besides Kara, himself, and technically, Jyushi. They glanced at them and continued on their little merry way, ignoring them completely. "Alright, then. C'mon Jyushi. Let's get you there first."

Todo continued to push Jyushi's wheelchair towards the sidewalk as Kara helped Osomatsu pick up the items. The spoons and forks were packaged together, and so were the paper plates and cups. "I'll hold them for you, Osomatsu-niisan."

"Thanks." Osomatsu said with a smile. Kara was really helpful, wasn't he? He even showed him that cute red panda kigurumi earlier. "Those are the cups, these are the plates, thank god the spoons and forks are packaged together. It'd cause a mess if it wasn't together in one-"

"OSOMATSU-NIISAN, KARA-NIISAN, LOOK OUT!" Jyushi shrieked, sleeves flapping wildly.

Osomatsu looked up at Jyushi curiously, before he saw Todo looking at another direction. When Osomatsu turned to the direction Todo was staring at, he noticed a car speeding up towards them, seemingly not caring that the stoplight was still at red. Osomatsu's eyes widened and he dropped the package of plastic spoons. Osomatsu would have ran off to the side, but Kara couldn't dodge that if he were to follow Osomatsu. He'd get ran over! So out of instinct, he jumped over to Kara instead of leaving him at the road, and waited for the car to crash into him instead. He closed his eyes and waited for the impact, hugging a now startled Kara as tight as he could.

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