Chapter 91: Re: Memory

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It felt as if time stopped for poor Homura. Lonely had grabbed Hana by her twin tails with no hesitation, and used all of his strength to throw her to the large stained glass window, shattering it completely. Even as Hana's body fell to what seemed to be her very death, the glass shards that surrounded her manage to make an image of beauty, just before time started moving again. Time for Homura, that is. To the people around her, Hana fell as soon as she collided against the glass, but not even once did Hana scream out in fear of what would be her supposed death.

Typical Hana. She was a girl that would never succumb to fear, even though she just got thrown out a window by a man taller than her.

Hana-chan always said that if she were to die.. she'd greet death with a smug face and her fist.

Homura dropped her weapon as she tried to process what just happened. It wasn't just her who had been shocked by the turn of events, but so was Yuki and Chibita, with the latter seemingly.. crying? No, he wasn't sobbing or sniffling unlike Homura, but the tears were streaming down his cheeks. Homura fell to her knees and covered her mouth with a shaky hand, her palm so cold and sweaty. Kaoru, Iyami, and Dekapan were all still standing, eyes watching as the shards of glass scattered on the floor.

Fuyu was the same as Homura, with a hand covering her mouth as she shook her head repeatedly in denial. Dekapan looked down, fists curling and obviously distraught at the fact that not only did they lose Hatabou, but possibly, Hana too. It would only take a miracle to say that Hana was perfectly fine after that fall, especially since the Suuji Manor was big, and she had fallen off a high floor.

As for Osomatsu, he was in complete shock, and his hold on his unconscious little brother was only getting tighter. He watched as Lonely's muscles and facial features relax as he panted, trying to regulate his own breathing. He adjusted his hold on his rapier, before looking back at the small group. Picking up Hana was tougher than it looked, because despite her small size, Hana was still heavy. So picking up the dollish girl had taken out a large chunk of his energy and left him in a tired state. "Now that the brat is gone.." He growled, wiping sweat off his forehead. "You all are next.."

Instinctively, Osomatsu hugged Jyushi closer to his chest, with Jyushi's head on his shoulder now. "No.." He muttered. Was he scared out of his wits? Definitely. Was he terrified of Lonely? Not really, but he was terrified of what Tougou did to Lonely. But would he give up Jyushi for his own safety? Absolutely not. Not after what happened to Hana. Plus, Jyushi was dying. It was only more of a reason to not give him up. "I won't.. Tougou, I won't let you get away with this!" Osomatsu yelled, clutching Jyushi's head tighter. "Not only did you manage to hurt Todo by making him join the yakuza group.. you've hurt Kara too.. and Jyushi.. and Ichi.. and Lonely.." He gritted his teeth. "And the other me.."

He has hurt everyone.

That much was obvious. If Tougou didn't hurt them.. maybe Lonely wouldn't go as far as to chase him down. Maybe Todo and Kara could have lived peacefully. And maybe Jyushi wouldn't be unconscious like this, and in pain. This was all Tougou's fault.

Even the death of Hatabou..

Lonely's eyes flashed dangerously as he leaped towards Osomatsu's direction, sword pointing at his direction. It didn't seem as if Lonely was going to say anything painful at all. He looked rather pissed off, to be blunt. "You're mine, Osomatsu!"

"No!" Chibita regained his senses in a scarily quick way, using Iyami as a boost in order to block Lonely's rapier with a ladle, wrapping his legs around the back of Iyami's neck. Thankfully, Iyami didn't stumble, and supported Chibita's weight, despite the fact Lonely was fighting someone that was on top of him. "You idjit..! I won't let you hurt him! I won't let you hurt Osomatsu the same way you hurt Hana, damn it!" He barked. It was obvious that, besides Homura, it was Chibita who was affected most by Lonely tossing Hana off the building. The tears were still on his eyes as he gritted his teeth, and it seemed like Chibita was fuming. He was putting all his anger into the ladle. "I'll make sure you suffer the same way you made everyone else suffer, Tougou, you idjit!"

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