Chapter 71: The Mind Breaking Killer

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The church was anything but wonderful, Homura thought. It was dark, cobwebs were everywhere, and Homura was sure she just saw something move in the corner of her eye. The computers were set up in front and above three tables that were stuck side by side, and besides the fact Homura thought it was just plain rude to set up such technology at the altar, Homura would have preferred being near the exit just in case something was watching them. Hatabou was at the far left, screaming into the microphone. He was probably yelling at Ichi's headphones. Then there was Dekapan and Fuyu, with Fuyu on Homura's left, and Dekapan on the far left. Those two were calmly instructing Iyami and Chibita where to go with Hana and Yuki.

And then there was Homura, who was changing from screen to screen and nervously mashing the keys on the keyboard with her fingers. As Hatabou was in charge of Ichi's group, which consisted of Ichi himself, Todo, and Osomatsu, Fuyu was in charge of Yuki and Iyami's pair, and Dekapan was in charge of Chibita and Hana's pair, Homura was in charge of Kara and Jyushi. Meaning, it was her job to lead both individuals to a safer part in the manor. Of course, she was a mess upon hearing it, wondering how she got in charge of such a thing.

But she had to compose herself. This was to protect Jyushi without dragging them out of the manor. Jyushi's job was being a bait for the psycho that was Lonely's enemy, so he had to stay inside. Thankfully, Kara was with him. "Alright.. um, Kara-san.. take a turn to the left." She pressed the keys to switch the cameras. Setting up the cameras at the Suuji Mansion was already hard enough, but leading someone out of their very similar hallways was harder. "You're doing good. Um, head down this hallway.. yeah, you need to reach the painting at the end of the hall. Hold on, uh, I'll switch the cameras.. I'm pretty sure we're near the lobby by now."

Displayed on her screen was Kara, carrying an unconscious Jyushi. She naturally panicked when she saw Ichi carrying his little brother, but after realizing what made him pass out on the first place, she was somewhat relieved that it wasn't too serious. But when they decided to split up, Homura was sure that she would have fussed over them like a mother hen would do to her chicks. But she didn't lose her cool, unlike Hatabou, who had started screaming into the microphone, unaware that the headphones weren't even on in the first place.

So basically, he had just wasted his voice for absolutely nothing at all.

While Homura was trying to handle her job with care and ease, Hatabou was straight-up fuming and muttering curses as soon as he quieted down. "You know, it's not too late to head back, jo! Osomatsu's plan is really dangerous, and could get you killed, Sir Ichi!" He screamed. Homura was sure this was the seventh time he yelled such a thing. "As I said, the camera on one of the hallways was destroyed by Lonely, jo! I don't know why he destroyed it, but it's not there anymore, and we can't even hear anything, jo! I'm sure he's still there-"

"Which is more of a reason for us to go there! I mean, Lonely is the one who got us here in the first place! But even so, his intentions were to protect my little brother! I am not letting any psycho with a chainsaw kill him, since I'm the only one who is supposed to end his life!"

What a lame excuse, jo. Why not just admit that you care about him too? Stupid Ichi.

Hatabou internally screamed, not wanting to waste his voice anymore. He was sure that the only reason Ichi was arguing with him was because they were already separated from the rest of the group. That, or he was actually going with Osomatsu's plan. "Argh! Fine! Do whatever the hell you want, but.. at least run away if you can't handle it! If something happens to you, think of what would happen to Jyushi!" Homura knew that Hatabou was currently irritated enough to just drop his verbal tic. "Head left! There seems to be a lot going on in that area right now, it's probably Lonely pulling magic tricks or something! I just saw a flower pot fly, so he probably threw it!"

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