Chapter 47: Five Out Of Six

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"So basically, you're going to be attending some sort of ball in which you wear masks and jab random people just to see if they're carrying a weapon and assume they're a mass murderer? And if you're wrong, you get to knock them out and shove them in a closet until you finally find the murderer and the criminal who planned to kill Jyushimatsu's other self?"

"Something like that."

"Cool. Wish I was there. I'd be glad to jab random people. Everyone'll be in a closet in a matter of minutes."

When Osomatsu had texted Choromatsu just to update him on the current situation, he hadn't been surprised to find a high amount of angry texts from Choromatsu, who was typing in all caps on why the eldest Matsuno wasn't replying at him. And when Osomatsu had finally replied after taking a nice bath and changing into his pajamas as soon as they got back on the hotel room, he was surprised to see that the replies weren't angry texts in all caps, but seemingly chill replies that didn't really seemed to be scared or surprised.

It didn't take long for Osomatsu to find out he was texting Ichimatsu. Apparently, Choromatsu had some sort of argument with Todomatsu earlier and Todomatsu angrily flipped a table and left the house, though he made sure to slam the door as loud as he could. Karamatsu had chased after him, and Choromatsu just placed the phone as calm as possible on the table and left to go for a drink, leaving both Ichimatsu and Jyushimatsu at the house. Ichimatsu was leaning against the couch with Jyushimatsu sleeping on his lap, and he had been crying earlier when Choromatsu had an argument with Todomatsu. After Jyushimatsu had fallen asleep on his lap thanks to Ichimatsu, Ichimatsu decided to be the one to answer Osomatsu's texts.

"No you don't. This dimension's more dangerous than ours, lemme tell ya. Todo, Todomatsu's other self, is pretty dangerous himself. He flung a plate at me, but it hit Iyami instead. He's also edgier than you, but he's a good guy. Oh, and your other selves have different ages from ours. I'm sure Todo, Kara, and Ichi are older than us."

"Haha. Sounds fun. Wish it would have been me who got hit by a plate though. I never really thought about how it felt.."

"You really are a masochist, aren't 'cha? Creepy little brother. No wonder you let Jyushimatsu tie you to a bat."

"Nice to talk to you too, Osomatsu, you idiot of an older brother."

He snorted. Ichi had went back to Flag Corporation's building with Dekapan, stating that he'll be busy until the afternoon and come to the hotel once he was finished with work. The same goes for Fuyu, Yuki, Homura, Hana, and Dekapan, who all needed to work. As for Hatabou, they could only hope that he'd at least face the consequences of his actions and assist them. Iyami, Chibita, and Todo had all passed out upon getting back to the hotel room, and only Osomatsu and Kara were up at this hour. Kara was reading a pocket-sized blue book he brought along with him, and it looked like a small scrapbook if Osomatsu wasn't mistaken.

Kara's eyes were drooping though, which probably meant he was going to sleep soon. The room was quiet with not a sound to be heard, with the exception of the soft snoring of Todo on Osomatsu's other side of the bed. He was sure his tapping on the phone's screen wasn't considered too much of a noise.

"Speaking of which, why did Fappymatsu and Totty fight anyway? Can't they save the fighting once I get back? Geez, you guys only have each other for now."

"Something about stress and whatnot. Todomatsu kept telling Choromatsu he wasn't a baby despite being the youngest and Choromatsu should stop babying him so much and focus more on trying to get you back home. Todomatsu also said that Choromatsu and Karamatsu should deal with the stuff Professor Dekapan tells us about, while we both try to take care of Jyushimatsu ourselves.. he's just getting worse and worse, in case you're curious. He didn't even eat last night. He said he was too sluggish to chew on food."

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