Chapter 23: Number 114

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The final floor of Flag Corporation resembled a child's bedroom. Across the elevator was a single bed, but the floor had a lot of mess to be stepped on, so one had to be careful. One, there were rubber balls of different colors all over the place. Two, there were animal plushies on the floor, one which was a large giraffe. Three, there were sketchbooks and coloring materials on one side of the room, but papers with scribbles were everywhere. It felt like they entered a child's bedroom and were pretty much going to play with one, Osomatsu couldn't deny that. But he could see the entirety of Akatsuka City just by looking outside, so Osomatsu had to admit it was a nice-looking room, despite the mess.

A million questions were in Osomatsu's head. He wanted to know what was Jyushi's role or position in this company, if he was able to make an angry and possibly murderous Hatabou calm enough. He wanted to know who was the real president, since it probably wasn't Hatabou. And completely unrelated, but why was there a statue of Shonosuke Hijirisawa, that one random guy that Choromatsu picked up and gave to Jyushimatsu during their one little skit? Why did Hatabou share the same name as him? Osomatsu knew "Flag" wasn't Hatabou's last name, but then again, Osomatsu didn't really know the last names of Chibita, Iyami, and Hatabou. Only Totoko's, but his other friends? Not really.

Osomatsu also knew that his dimension's Jyushimatsu, his little brother, wasn't as naive or as innocent as they thought he was. He was a Matsuno, meaning he probably attempted murder at least once in his life or did something nasty with no remorse. But with Jyushimatsu's kindness, his actions were tamer compared to the rest, even if he did throw a random student from their classroom to the assembly hall back in high school. And even with the differences between this dimension and his, some things remained the same. Chibita and Iyami, for example. They didn't seem to differ much from his versions of Chibita and Iyami. And even with the rather large differences between his brothers and the alternate versions of his brothers, there were still similarities.

Kara lacked the confidence Karamatsu naturally had, but he was just as painful and had the same painful vocabulary. Hell, he even treated that stupid ficus back at his apartment like some sort of pretty maiden! He still had his responsible side and his capability to cook meals and knit cute little clothes, plus, his neat-freak side. Karamatsu was a neat freak when he was a kid, something that he got over when he grew up and realized his life was just a big mess that he couldn't clean up, but mess up even more. Kara was obsessing over who would keep the house clean earlier, so that was considered a similarity of some sort. Besides that, he had the painfully narcissistic hoodie and tank top, and the sunglasses that were supposed to make him look cool.

Todo was a big difference from Todomatsu, compared to Kara and Karamatsu. Though Kara and Aida had said he was somewhat feminine, Osomatsu really couldn't see it no matter how hard he tried. While Todomatsu cared for his image and was always doing his best to be cute and strike a pose, Todo was the opposite. He dressed up like a punk and didn't really prepare any cute poses for any pictures. Instead, he always kept his guard just in case someone were to try and kill him. But their similarities were obvious if you paid enough attention; aside from both of them liking the color pink, both were trying hard to keep up an image that was brittle. Todomatsu was trying so hard to stay cute, while Todo was trying so hard to look intimidating.

Osomatsu just met Jyushi, but he could list some similarities between him and Jyushimatsu already. Their sense of fashion for one. Floppy sleeves and shorts were always Jyushimatsu's thing, and Jyushimatsu was the only brother that didn't wear pants in his casual wear. And like Ichimatsu, he wore slippers. Second, his main color, which was probably his favorite color too. Like Kara with Karamatsu and Todo with Todomatsu, Jyushi had the same main color as Jyushimatsu, which was yellow. Finally, he had the hyperactive personality. Maybe not as bouncy and destructive as Jyushimatsu because of his incapability to walk, but still! He had it! He was the loudest one at the lobby earlier, and that was enough proof!

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