The Meetup

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Your POV

"God damnit!" A man yelled from across the street. You turned your head away from your friend Kate to see a familiar guy leaning against his car.

"Should we go over there and help him?" Kate asked. You nodded in reply, checked for traffic, and ran across the street to help the man.

When you got closer to him, you could tell that your prediction was correct- you knew right when you saw his blue hair. This man is Ethan, also known as CrankGameplays, from YouTube. You wondered why he came here all the way from L.A.

"Excuse me, sir." Kate said. Ethan directed his attention to her. "We couldn't help but notice that you were cussing over here. Is something wrong?"

Ethan smiled and laughed softly. "It's just my car. It won't start." Kate nodded and nudged you with her elbow.

She leaned toward you to whisper into your ear. "Come on, (Y/n). You and Zach have been drifting apart, and he's kinda cute."

You stared at Kate for a second before turning towards Ethan, who was silently watching this exchange. "Well, if you want, Ethan, my dad is good with vehicles. Maybe he can help."

Ethan's smile grew wider. "Someone in this town actually knows me."

Kate stood silently beside you, and you giggled slightly. "Anyone who watches Mark's videos knows who you are."

Ethan glanced between you and Kate. "Seems like you two are friends. Mind telling me your names?"

Kate smiled widely. "I'm Kate, and this is (Y/n). So, I gotta run home really quick. See you later!" Kate called, running off.

When she was out of earshot, Ethan turned back to you. "So, uhm... where do you live?" He looked a little nervous to ask you this.

You smiled, turned around, and pointed towards your house. "Right there. So we don't have to walk a long way, and if my dad needs anything, he can bring it over here easily." Ethan nodded. You turned back around and motioned for him to follow you, which he did without saying a word.

"So, what is this place? Looks kinda small." You smiled slightly, thinking about how huge Chicago is compared to your little town.

"You're in Rensseltucky!"

Ethan laughed, amused by what you called your town. "Is that what it's really called? Sounds weird."

You shook your head, barely holding back laughter yourself. "No, it's not. But, that's what a lot of people call it. The town's called Rensselaer. It may be small, but it's actually a cool place to live in." Ethan was nodding his head as you opened the door to your house.

"(Y/n)! You're back!" Your mom called from the kitchen. She was making a late lunch for the family. She turned towards you and noticed Ethan. "Who's this? A friend?"

You nervously bit your lip, thinking of how you were going to tell her that you didn't even know each other, but Ethan stepped in for you. "Yeah. Me and (Y/n) go way back. Back to middle school. I'm Ethan." Your mom went back to making lunch, and Ethan winked at you. You smiled back, silently thanking him.

"Hey, mom? Is dad around here?"

Your mom nodded, still concentrated on lunch. "He's in the garage, trying to fix that doll for your niece. Why, is something wrong?" Your mom finished up with lunch and headed into the living room, where you and Ethan were standing.

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