Kongpob went inside the house after he saw that Arthit went inside. He saw him standing near the window with a beer bottle in his hand . He didn't want to talk but he had to .. so he took out some papers from his bag and told arthi t

"This is the list of accounts that we haven't cleared it .. please check it and give your part of money you owe .. because I need the money ." And he went to his room . On the other side Arthit was boiling , he was very angry as his loan was not approved and he was broke .

Kongpob was in his room having his medicines, but then he thought about his day with Kiet , he had fun but then he again felt sad suddenly , he didn't even get to feel his baby's movement .. He sweared .. His mood swings was killing him .

Kongpob was very eager for his baby to make a movement or kick but his baby never kicked , he even asked Kiet but he said that sometimes he does happen that the mother can't feel the baby .. any sooner . So he thought of speaking to his baby so that he could listen and move to his words . He rolled his shirt to his chest and exposed his bare belly , he patted his bump with his hand and said .

"Hey baby .. it's your daddy .. when will you move huh ? .. your daddy wants you to move .. so move soon ok ? .. and I can't wait to see you by the way you will be here soon , don't come soon that's it ok ? ... I'll talk to you later again .. now you should sleep and me too "  saying that he rolled his shirt down , he turned the lights down . But then he suddenly heard crashing sounds from the living room .

He got out of his bed as quickly as he could with his belly , still the crashing sound didn't stop . He went to the living room and saw that Arthit was pulling all the curtains down ruthlessly and eveyth where it was a mess .

"What do you think are you doing P'Arthit  ... stop it ?!!" Kong shouted at Arthit , but who was he shouting at .. the lion it self

"The curtains which I don't like .. that won't be on the living room .. you understand kong?!" He then went be hind Kong and took the candles in his hand
"And I hate this candles" and then he threw them away . Kong was feeling scared , whether Arthit would hurt him or not .

"Now you decorate your room however you like .. but I don't want to see this in the living room .. understand ?" Arthit ordered him , he was furious , his head self was back but even more furious .

"Is this because I asked my part of money ?!?"

"Damn with your money" Arthit took out few notes that he had left in his pocket  and threw them on the table over the paper that Kong had given . "Take it all ok .. I don't care .. now you do whatever you want.."

Kongpob was standing in one corner , he didn't know what to say , but when he heard Arthit say that .

"For this Shit I lost my chance to open a company.. this 8 months I have been staying with you !!" Arthit turned his back to Kongpob, both of them were panting from all the shouting but then kongpob just went behind him and stood not too far way from him .

"Listen !! I'm also staying with you .. but am i disturbing you?? .. at this stage I'm working .. studying and what not .. and what you do is make a mess without even helping me and you just COM- Ahhh"  Kong couldn't complete his sentence .

As soon as Arthit heard Kong scream like that he turned back and looked at Kongpob

"What ?? .. what happened?" Arthit asked .. to make sure he was alright.

Kong just whispered "he kicked .. He he kicked " and kept on finding the spot where he felt it .. so he could feel it again . And on the other side , Arthit was speechless .. he didn't know what to say,  he took a step towards kongpob but Kongpob took his hand and touched his belly .

"See P'Arthit .. He kicked.. this is the first time ever..." Kongpob was now excited .. He felt his baby move for the first time . But Arthit couldn't feel

"I can't fe- ahhh! ... oh my god .. wo.. ohh  crap.. again .. can you feel it Kong "  by that time Arthit had kneeled In front of him and was smiling .

"P'Arthit it's happening inside me .. ofcourse I can feel it ." Kongpob said it in a matter  of fact tone . Arthit was about to press his ears on kongs belly but then he realised that he was holding Kong's had . He took his hand away and got up , he looked at kongpob and went to his room and closed the door .

Kongpob stood there dumbfounded .. he didn't know what just happened to him , he just covered his face with his hand and started crying , felling happy but sad at the same time .


A/n : one of my FAVORITE chapters .. so I hope you also liked it .. and this chapter was a bit big ..

Thanking you

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