The Rainbow Bridge

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"Reports are still coming in on the intense battle that was fought all over Japan today between the gargantuan monsters that were first seen  over Academy City. " Said the reporter on TV. "From what we can tell, it appears that the monstrous battle was so destructive, that half of Mt. Fuji is now actually missing in the aftermath, and over 300 kilometers of forest has been devestated in that area. While it is still unknown where the monsters have dissapeared to, and how on Earth they could hide their massive size, scientists predict that it's unlikely we'll ever see them again."

"Jeez." said Mikoto. "And how did they come to that conclusion I wonder?"

Mikoto was sitting in a hospital bed with Touma sitting on a chair next to her munching a sandwhich. Mira was sitting in a hospital bed opposite Mikoto, reading what appeared to be a Shonen Jump magazine. Both girls were heavily bandaged, Mikoto having had to go to the ICU as well due to the seriously bleeding gashes that had been found on her back (some of them looking like they were the bites of some ferocious reptile.)

"Well they had to come to some conclusion." said Touma reasonably. "If everyone thought that Academy City didn't know anything about what was going on with a monster fight of that scale then there would be mass panic. I mean did you see how big both you and that Dravis guy were? I think your tail demolished a couple of mountains."

The reporter on the TV continued to speak, oblivious to the conversation held between two of her viewers. "In other reports, further contact has been made with what is supposedly a parralel dimension. After the initial discovery of the dimensional gateway in the 11th district, researchers sent drones through the gateway and were surprised to find that this 'other world's' environment and residents were much like our own. Now, after much preparation, the leaders from that world, known as Earthland, have met with the UN leaders and representatives in a discreet location within Academy City. In the meantime, the gatway is open to students and tourists alike, as well as residents from the other side granted that  they have the proper papers and identification."

It had been quite a shock when Natsu, Gray, and Touma told Mikoto that the rainbow gate had not dissapeared. After all, she thought that when the gate shrunk, it was going away, but in reality,it had merely shrunk down to a more convenient size....about the width and height of a subway terminal. And one of the most amazing parts was that the other side of the gate had appeared right in the central square of Magnolia Town. And naturally, some of the Fairy Tail members from the other side had gone exploring the gate after they had discovered strange Academy City drones coming out of the strange door (doing research obviously.)

The two worlds had become irreversibly connected. Magic and Science was now becoming closer then ever before.

"Where's Master, Erza, and Gravix?" Mikoto asked. "I heard they were just released from the hospital today."

"They're out showing Elfman and Lisanna around the city." said Touma. "It's like Academy City is an interdimensional tourist spot now... I actually went through that gate to visit the guild first I was afraid that Imagine Breaker might make it so that I couldn't go through, but apparently it doesn't affect interdimensional bridges. You have some pretty interesting friends."

"Yeah." Mikoto agreed. "Including you."

Touma chuckled. "Yeah...I guess I am kind of a weirdo."

Mira closed the magazine she was reading and giggled. "Oh my, you two make such a wonderful couple."

Mikoto went absolutely red in the face as she could feel herself hyperventilating. Touma on the other hand, being the oblivious person he was where girls were concerned, tilted his head and said. "Huh? well I guess we are good friends..."

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