The Return Of Black Whisper

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"No!!" Shouted Natsu looking at the wreckage before him.

Natsu, Laxus, Happy, and Touma had just returned to the dorm. Mikoto was still fast asleep in Touma's arms. But instead of an intact dorm, they had come back to find the entire building in flames and nearly completely wrecked. Erza, Gravix, and Master Markorav were also outside, watching the building burn. The entire area was surrounded by evacuated students, Anti-Skill units, Judgement officers, fire trucks, and ambulances.

The group ran over to the others.

"What happened!?" shouted Touma. "What's going on!?"

"Purehito played us." said Markorav. "I am sorry.....I should have forseen this earlier."

"Where are the others!?" shouted Natsu.

"Most of the guild are still out investigating their respective areas." said Gravix. "As for the ones who were in the dorm at the time........" Gravix pointed at the ambulance nearby.

Mira was being carried away on a stretcher while Uiharu, Wendy and Charle were sitting on the end of another ambulance being bandaged and given water by some of the paramedics.

Natsu began to shake with anger as flames engulfed his body. "Someone's going to pay........."

Suddenly, as if out of thin air, Kuroko Shirai teleported right in front of the group. She had her Judgement officer badge on her arm. "Whoops, sorry about the sudden entrance........"

"Kuroko!" said Touma. "What's happening, is anyone else hurt!?"

Kuroko shook her head. "No......just Mira......Uiharu and Wendy got a little bruised up though........It's so horrible, whoever would attack someone like this then burn down the building while they're inside is worse then dispicable in my book."

"No kidding." growled Natsu as the flames around his body became even more intense.

"Whoa there." said Kuroko. "are you okay? I mean I've seen angry pyrokinisests before....but you look like you're having a meltdown..."

"He'll be fine." said Laxus. "It's been worse before."


Kuroko jumped back looking slightly disturbed. "Whoah..........."

Suddenly Kuroko noticed Mikoto sleeping peacefully in Touma's arms. "Wh-what!? What's wrong with Sissy!?"

"She's fine." said Markorav. "She's just really tired, that's all..."

"What on Earth was she doing to make her that exhausted?" said Kuroko. "Don't tell me she was fighting hooligans in the street again!"

" a manner of speaking..." said Touma. "But she's absolutely fine."

Kuroko sighed. "I's like the entire world's gone crazy. There have weird explosions and fights breaking out all over the city.......I don't think I've slept for for at least 45 hours."

"Hey guys?" said Touma as if suddenly noticing something. "Where's Index?"

Erza, and Markorav's expressions suddenly became extremely solemn, while Gravix's masked helmeted head looked away.

"No!!" Said Touma. "Don't tell me they......"

"I'm afraid Index was nowhere to be found...." said Erza. "They captured was their orriginal intent."

"Wait!" said Kuroko. "That Sister's been captured?! What's going on here!?"

Everyone else looked at each other, as if unsure of what to tell Kuroko. Uiharu came walking up to the group, a water bottle in her hand and her clothes slightly burnt.

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