The Spatial Thunder Dragon

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"I don't think......I can run.....much longer." panted Touma Kamijou as he his steps started to slow down.

"Then why don't you just put me down!?" said Mikoto. "Seriously, I can just eat my own esper electricity to refuel myself!"

"To be honest....." sputtered Touma. "I haven't really thought of that."

"Hey guys!!" shouted Natsu from up ahead as he ran with Wendy in tow. "Hurry up, we gotta get up one of those buildings!!"

"What's at the top of those buildings?" asked Charle who was flying alongside Happy.

Natsu looked back with a mischievious gleam in his eyes. "Well ya see, I was thinking, if that Black Whisper guy somehow made it past Erza and Gramps, then we could ambush him from the sky or something! Really smash him up...ya know!?"

"Ummmm.....Natsu?" said Mikoto. "It's a little late for that."


Natsu looked up to see a giant portal opening up. "AW COME ON!!"

"Part of me is wondering why he didn't do that earlier......" muttered Touma.

The massive purple dragon that was Black Whisper flew through the portal and landed with an earth shaking boom on the street. His magma colored eyes glowed with malice. "Found you!!"

"No you haven't!" shouted Happy. "You haven't found us at all!! This all just one ginormous illusion!!!"

"Back when you fought me before!" growled Black Whisper. "I admit, you had a slight advantage, but now that I've waited till you have exhausted nearly all your magical power, I am the superior fighter here!!"

"Darn it!" said Touma. "He's right, after the whole level 6 shift thing we're all the worst for wear."

"Not true!" exclaimed Wendy. "I've still got all my magic energy!"

"One meazly little sky dragon against me?" said Black Whisper. "HAHAHAHAHA! Pathetic!! You might as well tell Kain Hikaru he's beautifull!!!!"

"Don't you dare talk to any of our family like that!" growled Natsu. "I'll crush you!!!!"

"You're all welcome to try!!!"

"No..." Mikoto had a look on her face that expressed nothing but supreme anger. "He's mine......."

Touma looked at Mikoto in surprise. "Biribiri? Are you sure......?"

"Just put me down Touma......" said Mikoto. "I've got this........and you too Natsu...stay out this, all of you......It's time I ended this."

Touma helped Mikoto to her feet gently. Mikoto stood there for a bit then she generated a huge lightning spark from her bangs. Mikoto opened he mouth, and the bluish energy rushed in like a vacuum. Mikoto swallowed and began to glow with a tremendous amount of electric energy. "Hey Natsu....what is it you say when you've just eaten......and are ready to smash some numbskulls?"

"Uhhh.....that taco was delicious?"

"No...." said Mikoto. "Oh, now I remember......I'M ALL FIRED UP!!!!"

Mikoto's Thunder Dragon Wings burst outwards with the force of a hurricane and she leapt at Black Whisper with a look of absolute rage.

"Foolish girl!!" Shouted Black Whisper. "You merely accelerate your own downfall!!!"

The dragon swiped it's talon at Mikoto, but one of her wings knocked the claws aside while at the same time, giving the dragon a powerful shock. Mikoto landed on Black Whisper's head, straight in between his molten eyes.

A Railgun in Fairy Tail Book 2: DragonsWhere stories live. Discover now