Innocentius 2.0

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The blue Innocentius roared. In each of it's four hands, a ginormous glowing cross appeared.

" not good." said Stiyl.

"No kidding." said Mikoto. "Neither our magic or my esper powers are affecting this guy, Innocentius wants to kill us, and to top it off.......Gajeel is a penguin!!"

"Wa wa wa wa!!!!!!" Gajeel exclaimed.

"Dang!" said Natsu. "What are we gonna do!? No matter what magic  we throw at him, he just takes it like it's nothing! And they've got this guy!!"

The clown monster laughed demonically. "HAHAHAHAHA!! You foolish little pieces of licorice are nothing compared to my skills!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

"We need to take out the runes!" Stiyl said. "My energy is still draining, which means Innocentius is still running off my magic. If Natsu takes out the runes the same way he did last time, Innocentius might dissapear!"

"Actually, you can leave that to me!!" Shouted Mikoto. Her lightning wings blasted outwards and extended into powerful tendrils.

The tendrils tore themselves along the ground, ripping up all the runes along with a whole lot of cobblestone.

"That should do it!" said Mikoto grinning.

But her joy was short lived. Because at that moment, Innocentius bashed one of his burning crosses into Mikoto's side, causing her to fly straight into a lamp post that toppled over. Mikoto's lightning wings dissapeared and she fell over groaning. ""

"I'm guessing that magic she was using was extremely draining." said Stiyl.

"Mikoto!!" Natsu yelled. "Darn it!! Why didn't that work?! it did before!!"

"It's obvious he's using some kind of secondary rune or something to keep Innocentius going." said Stiyl. "Yet he kept using my runes as well so as to drain his magic power less........I hate to admit it, but that was actually pretty smart."

"Tsk tsk tsk." said Night Reveler shaking his monster Jack In The Box head dramatically. "You just tore up my standing ground. I actually consider anything I stand on as my property. AND that means, as trespassers on my private property......I have the right to defend it.....AT ALL COSTS!!! GO GET EM FLAME BOY!!!"

Innocentius roared and charged at Natsu and Stiyl. The two fire users rolled out of the way. Natsu jumped on Innocentius and bit in to it, but fell off coughing. "Ack! Gross!! forgot that I couldn't eat it!"

"We need to retreat!" said Stiyl. "There's no way we can beat him the way we are now!"

"No!!" shouted Natsu as he dodged another blow from Innocentius. "This guy hurt Erza and Mikoto!! I'm not just going to let him off!!

"Think Natsu!!" shouted Stiyl. "We're outmatched!! Taking down the ones who hurt those you love mean nothing if you can't live to continue doing your friends that service!!!"

"I know!!" growled Natsu, suddenly becoming engulfed in intense flames. "That's why I intend to come out of this fight alive!!"

Natsu launched himself past Innocentius and smashed head on into the clown monster's face. "SWORD HORN OF THE FIRE DRAGON!!!!!"

Night Reveler let out a coughing honk that sounded like a car and fell backwards onto the ground. His spider legs waved pathetically in the air as Natsu began letting out a barrage of fiery punches into Night Reveler's face.

"THIS IS FOR BURNING DOWN OUR HOME!! THIS IS FOR HURTING MY FRIENDS!! AND THIS IS FOR YOUR STUPID GUILD COMING AFTER MIKOTO AND TRYING TO KILL HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Natsu shouted as his punches grew faster and his flames became more intense.

A Railgun in Fairy Tail Book 2: DragonsWhere stories live. Discover now