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About several miles away from Touma's dorm, there was an underground facility where many top secret labs lurked. Originally the facilities had been meant to monitor something called AIM diffusion fields, something that espers tended to emit constantly at a subconscious level. But after a disaster simply known as the Level Upper incident, they had scrapped the experiments. Instead they decided to move on to more......secret......projects. The most recent of which involved the rebuilding of Tree Diagram.

Now, in a dark round room of the facility, there sat a multitude of scientists around a large round table. In the table's center sat a large armored case that looked almost exactly like the case Markorav had.

One scientist stood up. "Finally, as you can now see, the last piece we need to revive Tree Diagram has been obtained........" the scientist dragged the case over to him and typed a combination on the keypad lock. The case opened......and...........


All scientists jumped in panic from the head scientist's sudden outburst.

The scientist took out the contents of the case and shakily held them out for the others to see. It was a stack of bikini issues from Fiore's Sorcerer Weekly. (Likely from Markorav's secret stash...)


The scientist sitting next to the head scientist grinned and pointed at one picture of Mirajane. "Hehehe....I like that one."

All the other scientists turned to look at him.

"What?........too soon?"

Back in Touma's dorm, things were getting into a crazy of a different nature. Massive wires were everywhere on the floor and cieling. The wires were all connected to Touma's tv which had been moved to the center of the room. Mikoto and Markorav were sitting behind the TV connecting a strange device to the back of the tellivision.

"Give a few sparks there." said Markorav.

"Mikoto touched a finger to the spot Markorav indicated and shot of few electrical shocks into it.

"Ummm.. we are cleaning this up afterwords.......right?" said Touma looking around the room. "Cause this is going to be kinda noticeable if anyone comes to visit."

"So....why are we setting up a major super computer in the middle of a student dorm?" asked Lucy.

"Before Tree Diagram was destroyed, it pretty much recorded everything that went on in the world." said Laxus. "You could probably call it the science side's eye in the sky."

"And we believe that there have been others from our world who have stepped in this one." said Markorav. "Purehito used to be Fairy Tail's guild master before me. So like me, he briefly walked upon this world when he was made guild master, and was shown Fairy Tail's darkness which lurked beneath the guild hall. It is my belief that when Purehito left Fairy Tail, he found a way to come to this world and kept it tom himself.......if anything was aware of his actions, then Tree Diagram would definitely know about it. We'll be able to track and see everything Purehito has done since before Tree Diagram was destroyed."

"And figure out where he may be hiding!" finished Mikoto. "But isn't this a little.......extreme?"

"Where Purehito is concerned." said Markorav. "Sometimes extreme is the best way to go."

The door opened and in walked Stiyl Magnus and Wendy.

"All the outdoor connections are set." said Stiyl. "One thing's for sure, this is going to really piss off Aleister."

A Railgun in Fairy Tail Book 2: DragonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora