God Slayers and Psycho Harlequins

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"So......" Said Night Reveler as his head reattached with his neck. "Who wants to play with me first? heeheheeeheee!!!"

"Who is this guy!? said Misaki looking freaked out by the recent turn of events.

Mikoto turned to Misaki and grabbed her shirt collar, pulling her close. "Get out of here now! Don't talk to anyone! Don't wake anyone up! Just walk away, and pretend you never saw any of this!"

"Are you kidding me!?" Said Misaki with a sparkly look in her devious eyes. "This is a sign that you're hiding something..........you know what this guy is, and I want to to figure out why!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!" said Night Reveler shaking his head. "I would really do what Railgun tells you Miss Mental Out if I were you. Otherwise it won't end well for you. Because I am so hungry, and a level 5 telepath looks like the perfect appetizer before I go and eat a bunch of guild mages......"

"Guild mages?" said Mental Out not looking afraid in the slightest this time. "This is getting interesting."

Mental Out took out another remote from her bag and threw the other one back in. (Mental Out purposely limits her powers mentally with her remotes because it's easier to control them that way. She switches remotes whenever she wishes to use another aspect of her powers. The remotes themselves, actually don't really do anything.)

Mental Out clicked on her remote and several people unconscious people immediately got up and looked ready for action. "You, know......it's quite odd, I can control the minds of any human I wish.....but you I'm finding rather difficult, even though I can read your mind I can't control it........odd."

"Well isn't that reason obvious?" Said Night Reveler. "I'm not completely human am I!? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

"Shokuhou don't!" said Mikoto. "You're only going to get innocent people hurt if you fight that way!"

"Who said I was fighting?" said Misaki with her eyes sparkling cutesly. "Don't you see what those delightful little servants are doing?"

The people Misaki had under her control were talking into their cellphones.

"That's right!" said Misaki. "I do believe Anti-Skill we be....oh my they're all ready here!"

Several armored vehicles had pulled over next to the scene. People with automatic weapons and bullet proof vests were pouring out of the vehicles and training their guns on Night Reveler. Some police drones had also pulled onto the scene. (Police drones look like cleaning drones, only they're on tripod wheels and they have police sirens and lights.)

"Hands where we can see them!" shouted an Anti-Skill official. "Now!"

Night Reveler sighed. "Yeesh....all I wanted to do was give Zancrow a clear shot at Railgun.......but I guess having espers for dinner will have to wait a little........I'll have a spectacular party with this lot first!!"

"Hands where we can see them!!" said the Anti-Skill officer again. "We won't ask you again!"

Night Reveler turned to look back at the Anti-Skill officers. He then did a little goofy jiggy dance while singing in a sing song voice. "Guess what time it is~"

"What?" said the Anti-Skill officer a little taken aback by the masked harlequin's response.

"IT'S DINNER TIME!!" shouted Night Reveler joyously.

Night Reveler was immediately obscured by a great puff of purple smoke and multicolored confetti. when the smoke cleared, where Night Reveler had stood before, was a giant box the size of a small house, with a wind up handle on it that was turning slowly and sinisterly, while an evil version of the Jack in the Box song was playing.

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