Happy Birthday Railgun

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In a district near an area known simply as the Learning Garden, was a dorm where the middle school girls who went to the school known as Tokwadai Middle School lived. It was a pretty fancy dorm compared to most of the living areas in Academy City. That was because Tokwadai was probably one of the most prestigious schools in the city.

As it so happened, a sandy haired girl wearing frog patterned pajamas was just about to be completely frightened out of her bed by her red haired roommate Kuroko Shirai.

Kuroko peeked her head over the edge of the bed to look at Mikoto Misaka's sleeping form. She grinned mischeviously and held up a bull horn right next to her head.

"Hey.......pssssst.......Sissy.....wake up."

"Eh......?" Mikoto mumbled opening her eyes slightly. "What..........?"

"Happy Birthday Sissy!!" Kuroko said turning on the blow horn.

"AAAAAIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" Mikoto screamed, falling out of bed as the blow horn went off. "Kuroko!! What the heck!!?"

"Aw come on now Sissy!!" said Kuroko cheerfully. "You can't expect me to wake you up normally on your 15th birthday!!"

"Oh......that's right.." said Mikoto rubbing her head. "It's May 2nd right?"

"Yep!" said Kuroko. "The one day of the year I promised my Sissy that-"

"That you would keep your perverted antics to a minimum." Finished Mikoto. "So then what was with that kind of wake up call!?"

"There's nothing perverted about blow horns Sissy." said Kuroko. "Besides, I just couldn't wait for you to open my present!" Kuroko held out a flat box with a bow on top.

"Oh, all right then." Mikoto took the box and opened it. Inside was a beautiful sleeveless shirt with a spaghetti strap top. But the thing that really held Mikoto's interest was the picture of the cute cartoon frog face in the center of the lime green shirt.

"Gekota!! How cute!!" cried out Mikoto cheerfully hugging the shirt. "But......"Mikoto's face fell. "We're only allowed to wear our uniforms."

"Aw come on." said Kuroko. "Since when have we ever let that stop us? It's not like the dorm supervisor is following us twentyfour-seven, go on and try it on!!"

"Oh' okay." said Mikoto retreating into the bathroom. She came out a moment later wearing the shirt. "Well what do you think?"

"Mikoto!!" Sissy cried out pointing. "What is that!!!?"

"Eh? What?"

"That thing!! On your back!!"

The spaghetti stap shirt Mikoto was wearing revealed parts of her shoulder as well as her shoulder blades. Which meant the red fairy emblem tattoo on her right shoulder blade was visible.

"Oh!" said Mikoto. "That!!.....Well.......it's......ummm....."

"You got a tattoo without telling me!!?" Cried out Kuroko. "WHY!!!? SISSY!?"

"Come on Kuroko!" Mikoto said trying to calm her friend. "It's not that big a deal!"

"Not a big deal!?" said Kuroko. "Well I beg to differ! Today we're going to the tattoo parlor to get a matching one for me got it!?"

"Kuroko it's not that kind of tattoo!" said Mikoto. "It's sort of a requirement for that new job I told you about."

"That 'job' requires you wear a tattoo that looks like a........?" Kuroko took another look at the guild emblem. "What is that?"

"It's a fairy." muttered Mikoto.

Kuroko sighed. "Seriously Sissy! When are you going to show me that new job you got already? It only makes sense if your best friend knows where you work!"

A Railgun in Fairy Tail Book 2: DragonsWhere stories live. Discover now