Accelerator V.S Bluenote

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Accelerator and Gildarts walked through the underground area careful not to make any noise. Both of them were covered in sweat and they both looked ragged as well.

"That guy is something else." said Accelerator. "Hey, Old Geezer, I thought you said that both you and this guy were evenly matched."

"We are. At least we used to be." said Gildarts gritting his teeth. "He's upped his game, I'll give him that."

"Heh!" spat Accelerator. "If this keeps up, I'm gonna look as old as you. If only I could get close enough to touch him, I can have him flying through 15 miles of dirt."

"What do you think I've been trying to do?" asked Gildarts. "What doesn't make sense is how he managed to get so strong....I know it's been 7 years since we've fought, but no way should his magic energy be that extensive. By the way, how much time do you have left on that battery of yours."

"Probably around 15 minutes." said Accelerator. (The limit of Accelerator's choker was extended to 30 minutes in some of the later novels of A Certain Magical Index, The author also hinted that he might extend the time limit to an hour in the next novel). "If we don't find some way to take him down soon....then I'll be more useless then a babbling cabbage."

"So how did you get that brain injury anyways?" asked Gildarts. "You're supposed to be able to deflect anything anybody throws at you while barely even trying."

"That's none of your business." Spat Accelerator. "Shut up!"

"Glad to see you're still rude as ever." muttered Gildarts. "Anyways, be sure to conserve your battery, we'll need that vector deflection."

"Actually, if I managed to get back home, I could get some more batteries." said Accelerator. "But with that freak up there, I'm not sure if we should risk it."

"How far do these passages run?" asked Gildarts.

"Who knows?" said Accelerator. "The board of directors say its only under the city, but Aleister Crowley is such freaking liar, for all we know, this could go all the way to New Zealand."


"Never mind."

"Well if these passages go all over the city." said Gildarts. "We can go to where your home is and-"

"We're not blasting a hole in my floor." spat Accelerator. "I have enough bills to pay as it is. Plus I'll probably get that annoying look from Last Order for at least 5 years."

"Well it doesn't look like we have much of a choice." said Gildarts. "We can't stay down here feel that?"

"Eh? What?"

"Like we're suddenly.....heavier....Crap!!"

Accelerator and Gildarts whirled around to find Bluenote Stinger approaching from down the passage way.

"Are you ready to soar now?" murmured Bluenote. "Or are you still going to crash?"

"How does he keep finding us?!" spat Accelerator turning on his choker.

"Hell if I know." said Gildarts grinning. "But at least we don't have to sneak around anymore."

"You have a strange sense of denial." said Accelerator throwing his walking stick aside.

"Gramps tells me that all the time." said Gildarts. "So are we going to do this or what?"

"Don't slow me down Old Geezer."

Accelerator launched himself at Gildarts, using vectors to increase his speed. He reached his hand out at Bluenote. But suddenly Bluenote moved with a burst of speed, and in 3 seconds flat, he had bypassed Accelerator and let out a devestating gravity magic fueled punch into Gildart's gut. Gildarts flew off at the speed of a bullet and crashed into the side of the passage, causing a landslide of rocks to fill up the passage way.

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