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It was raining in Academy. Students in the streets were running to indoors with their book bags over their heads. The only one who didn't bother to even to react to the rain walked down the road with an air of not even caring. The thin white haired boy walked slowly through the rain, his futuristc walking cane tapped lightly against the ground as he used it for support. Though this boy might have seemed like a harmless cripple at first, he was actually powerful enough to take on an entire army without even taking a scratch.

This boy was Accelerator. The strongest esper in  Academy City. The boy who could control vectors.

"Hmph." said Accelerator to himself. "Looks like the weather report was wrong again."

It had been raining in Academy City for around a week now. The Academy City News Weather Forcast that had been so accurate when the super computer Tree Diagram was still working, was now extremely off. Unusually off actually, even if they no longer had the access to the worlds most accurate super computer, they should have at least been slightly accurate. In fact other News stations were addressing the strange issue of the abnormal weather that had appearing in the general Japan area. Stranger still were the reports of giant winged monsters being sighted somewhere in the Himilayas and near Mt. Fuji. All of the sightings had been in the light of the full moon and scientists were wondering if there was new species of reptile that had remained undiscovered until now.

Accelerator pretended not to care about any of this. Though the two people he cared for and roomed with constantly talked about it, Accelerator would pretend to be absolutely oblivious. But the truth was that he did care. He couldn't place his finger on it, but something strange was going on. About two weeks ago, the girl known as Mikoto Misaka who had been missing for a total of about two months, had mysteriously reappeared with no explanation to where she had gone or why she had been missing. And to top it off, Accelerator had recently run into a strange man last Wednesday.

It had been around evening. Accelerator was walking home alone as usual when he heard a sound he was all too familiar with. Gunfire.

Accelerator wasn't afraid of guns. He had been fired upon by millions of bullets during his lifetime, tank missles and rocket launchers included. However, out of all those projectiles, only one bullet had ever hit him.

Accelerator rolled his eyes. Who the heck was deciding that it was good night to go killing at this hour? Accelerator had moved to sound of the noise to find a strange looking man fighting what appeared to be some of the street gang known as Skill Out. The man was tall with a long dark cape over his tall form. He was holding one of his hands out and deflecting the bullets from the automatic weaponry. Actually, the word 'deflecting' was innaccurate. The bullets were disintegrating against his touch.

"Jeez." said the man lazily. "The weapons from this world are so annoying. You can't even see the stupid projectiles comeing. I think I like gun magic way better then this steampunk style model."

Looks like he can handle himself. Thought Accelerator. He had made to leave when suddenly he himself was also surrounded by Skill Out gang members armed with automatic guns.

"Out of my way trash." Accelerator spat. "I really don't care enough to be doing any kind of fighting today."

"Oh, look at the little esper." said one of the gang members tauntingly. "Too afraid to face us?"

"Get out of here!" said the tall man stepping in between Accelerator and the members of Skill Out. "I'll take care of these idiots."

"Playing hero now huh?" said Accelerator turning on an electrode on a chocker that was around his neck. "You can keep your heroics, I'm in a bad mood."

"Enough talk!!" said one of the gang members. "Kill them!!"

The gang fired their weapons. The tall man held his hand out to stop the rain of bullets. Accelerator however, just stood their as the bullets richochetted from him as if he had a invisible shield around him. The bullets that  bounced away from Accelerator's vector deflection all went back and hit the ones who fired them in the legs. The members of Skill Out all crumpled to their knees and cried out in pain. 

"Great." said Accelerator. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have some mouths at home to feed."

Just as Accelerator made to walk away, the tall man called out to him. "Hey, wait..kid."

Accelerator turned back to look at the man. "What do you want? I don't have time for silly games."

"Well that's rather rude." said the man. "I just wanted to thank you for the help. The name's Gildarts."

"I'm Accelerator, now beat it, you're breathing up all my air."

"Accelerator?" said Gildarts. "Pretty weird name for a boy. Who names their kid Accelerator?"

"That's not my real name, I forgot mine long ago." spat Accelerator. "But I'm not here to go into some long stupid sob story. Bye."

Gildarts, however, continued to follow Accelerator down the street. "Actually I'm kind of new to this neck of the woods..........I was wondering if you could help me out. I hate to do this to a guy I just met, but you don't think I could-?

"No." said Accelerator before Gildarts could finish his sententence.

Gildarts stood there and watched Accelerator walk off. "Jeez, there really is a rude crowd in this city."

Accelerator jerked back to the present. He had just noticed a familiar figure standing in the rain ahead of him. It was Gildarts. He was standing in the middle of the deserted street, looking up as if he was expecting something to happen.

"Hey you!" Spat Accelerator. "Get out of the road, unless you wan't to be run over by drivers who don't know a snot's worth about hydroplaneing!"

"Gildarts started and looked and Accelerator. "Oh, it's you, ummm........Accelerator right?"

"Just get out of the road already." grumbled Accelerator.

"Funny we just ran into each other." said Gildarts. "Because I have a little favor to ask-."

"No." said Accelerator as he made to walk off again.

"Let me finish." said Gildarts. "You see I have been researching this place significantly since I got here......and I know who you are, strongest esper in Academy City."

"Your point?" spat Accelerator.

"I don't suppose you've noticed the News lately have you?" said Gildarts. "Strange weather, flying monsters? And a girl who goes missing for 2 months without a single trace and suddenly reappears? I think these things warrant some investigation......."

"Let me guess." said Accelerator. "You're some sort of weird conspiracy hunter and you want me to be your informant."

"Well you're right about the investigating part." said Gildarts. "But I'm not an information hunter. And I want you to investigate with a temporary alliance. Cause where I go tends to have a lot of danger, and I think a level 5 like you would be the only one who could handle what I'm about to go through."

"Is it dangerous?" asked Accelerator.


"Old geezer......"said Accelerator. "You had better not slow me hear?"

"Why of course...." said Gildarts.

Gildarts held out his hand. Accelerator took it and shook it.

"So Old Geezer..." said Accelerator. "What do you need help with?"

"Ever heard of a little something called magic?" said Gildarts.

"Don't tell me." spat Accelerator. "I'm fighting another magician aren't I?"

Around twenty meters away, the head of Aqualas peaked out from a black colored rain puddle, watching Fairy Tail's strongest mage form a deal with Academy City's strongest esper.

"Well.........." said Aqualas"..........This is an interesting development............"

A Railgun in Fairy Tail Book 2: DragonsWhere stories live. Discover now