Tree Diagram

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"WHAT!?" exclaimed Master Hades angrilly. "Is this true!!?"

Hades was standing in the middle of the warehouse within which Hydra Head and Grimoire Heart had made their base of operations. He was currently being briefed on the situation by Aqualas.

"Unfortunately, it is indeed as I have said." said Aqualas. "Already, three of the currently active members of our assault team have been defeated. Night Reveler of my guild, plus Kain and Bluenote of yours. Accelerator and Gildarts remain a constant threat while it is my belief that the Railgun and Fairy Tail are becoming more aware of the situation by the hour."

"This is growing wearisome." said Hades shaking his head. "Bluenote was supposed to be one of my aces in the hole. And to think Gildarts and Accelerator managed to defeat him even after I granted him that speed pendant........perhaps espers are more dangerous then I previously percieved. What is their current situation?"

"Both Night Reveler and Kain are seriously injured. Bluenote.......he is dead, burned up in the atmosphere, I watched him as he was dealt the final blow." said Aqualas. "And after watching the one he was fighting....I feel our advantage may soon be pretty short lived."

"I wouldn't have expected any less." said Hades. "Accelerator has never been known for his mercy in a fight, more like his psychotic pleasure in massacreing his opponents, even if the rumors say that he has grown a slight sense of humanity within himself. As for the Railgun, she has grown stronger far too quickly, she must no longer be allowed to live."

"What of Touma Kamijou?" said Aqualas. "He has grown far too involved with this for my Master's liking."

"Ah yes." said Hades his expression darkening. "The one who wields Imagine Breaker. Black Whisper would definitely be worried about that particular boy. However, I see him as an asset."

"And why would that be?"

"The Railgun has become a collosal threat to this operation." said Hades. "However, there are ways to control even the greatest heroes. For all protagonists have a fatal flaw, and one flaw especially common to Mikoto Misaka's type, is that they can't help but try and play the hero when their loved ones are under threat. Call it personal loyalty, or call it love. Either way, it serves in our favor."

"So what do you wish for me to do?" said Aqualas. "Black Whisper's recovery is nearly complete, and Zancrow and Gore Beastwalker remain ready for battle. Rusty Rose has already completed his assignment."

"Keep all your attention on Kamijou and the girl who holds the grimoires." said Hades. "When I give you the word......"

Aqualas nodded. He then sunk like a phantom into a black puddle of water which turned clear the moment Aqualas had dissapeared.

Hades watched the ordinary water puddle for a moment before walking off to a dark corner of the warehouse. He took out a piece of chalk and drew a magic circle on the wall of the warehouse. He clasped his hands together and began chanting quietly and quickly until the circle glowed purple and formed into a mirror-like pool. An image of a dark hooded figure with the image of an eye sewed on the head of his hood.

"Have you found them yet?" Hades asked the hooded figure in the mirror.

"The ones known as Jellal and Meldy remain elusive." said the figure. "But they still fail to cover their trail from me. I will find them..."

"Hurry." said Hades. "The sooner the great Gate between worlds is opened, the sooner phase too can be achieved."

"I feel obligated to warn you Master Hades." said the mysterious figure. "Creating a permanent bridge between two universes bypasses all normal laws of time and space.......there is no telling what kind of side effects could occur in both worlds."

A Railgun in Fairy Tail Book 2: DragonsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon