Chapter 13: Touché

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     By the time we finish yet another movie it's nearing nine at night and I've been chowing down on the party size bag of Cool Ranch Doritos the entire time. Now I'm bloated and ready for bed.

"Well kids," grandma comes to a shaky stand, peeling herself from the fortress of blankets we've created on the couch. "I think I'm gonna head into the office to do some writing. There's more fresh banana bread in the oven if you want. Don't stay up too late." Kissing me and Blake's foreheads she shuffles her way into the back room where books scatter the shelves and a small wooden desk is positioned just beneath the window looking out into the garden.

Grandma loves to write. Since she retired she stays holed up in the office most of the time especially since grandpa passed a few years back. He always encouraged his wife to continue her dream of writing novels.

"Well I'm pooped. Im going to bed." Blake stretches his tried bones before patting my head and retreating upstairs. "Night sis." He calls out and the sound of his door shutting soon follows. I end up sitting in the silence for a solid ten minutes before shutting off the t.v and scurrying up the stairs only to collapse on my bed. By the time I sink into the mattress I am entirely and wholeheartedly drained of energy, it's been such an exhausting day filled with such exhausting people.

    I'm fading in and out of consciousness slowly inching closer to sleep when what sounds like pebbles tap my window. I wait a moment before getting up to open the window and Immediately I'm dodging an incoming pebble hurtling towards me. My eyes fall upon the guilty ones below, they shine almost a hazel color beneath the light of the moon and the stars.

"Bryce?" I'm not entirely shocked to see him there. Bryce tends to show up unexpectedly from time to time. It's usually by the front door though, not my window. "What in the hell?"

   Cupping his hands over his mouth he apologizes, "I'm sorry! I didn't see you until the rock was already out of my hand."

"What are you doing here, dude?" I snicker, leaning against the windowsill to get a better look at him. There's a slight breeze sweeping through the chilly night, it rustles the leaves of the willow tree almost like a lullaby. "Well I would've knocked but I didn't want to risk Blake—"

     "No. Why are you here? At my house?" I gesture to our surroundings. "I was heading back home from a friend's house and since I was in the area I thought I'd come by to see if you were okay," as I'm ready to answer he quickly adds in, "and not just some stupid text saying "you're fine"." Bryce waits with his hands on his hips, even from up here I can see the concern building in his eyes.

     My smiles spreads across my cheeks and I announce to him "I'm okay. I promise. See?" Jokingly I bare my teeth as my grin widens almost unnaturally so. The brown eyed boy then laughs and nods, "yeah I see." His eyes remain on mine only for a second longer before he departs with a quick "goodnight" and disappears into the night.

Before I'm able to crawl back into bed I hear the faint crying of a. . .baby. "Dammit" I hiss, rushing to my backpack set beside my bedroom door. I open it up only for the crying to grow louder, almost excruciatingly. I guess I can't call Cooper out for leaving the baby in the bag anymore. The doll cries for a while but I'm surprised at how quick I get it to quiet down in my arms and eventually it's asleep. I think.

      Soon enough the clock goes from nine to ten and before I know it it's almost one in the morning. Showering and brushing my teeth feels so draining I almost don't make it through. Once I do make it to bed I'm out almost instantly.

The morning, as it passes by, slips right through my fingertips. Everything goes as it usually does. Breakfast, Riley driving me to school, talking to friends, boring classes, then of course there's Cooper. Thankfully I don't have to see his hideously irritating face until next period.

     As soon as my current class ends and students begin pouring out into the halls Mrs.Shepherd calls me up to her desk. "I want to talk with you about your grades—"

"Im sorry, I'm really trying but lately—"
"Don't apologize, I was going to congratulate you. Your scores have ranked highest in the class. You are very bright Kyla, I hope you realize that." This is all news to me.

"Please don't tell me that I have to tutor some undereducated student now?" I whine.
"No, not unless you want to. I only called you up here to tell you the good news. You're free to go now." She waves me off, returning to her desk of papers to grade. I stop myself at the door and turn back towards her. "Thank you." Unfortunately due to the after class rendezvous I end up getting to class a few minutes late. Again.

"Late again, Daniels?" Mrs.Lenard shakes her head once I've entered her classroom.

"It's not entirely my fault this time. I was talking to a teacher." I make my way towards my table with the devil incarnate and sigh upon setting my backpack down.

"Have you been taking care of Chewbacca?" Cooper writes intently in his notebook. "Actually yes. I got her to finally shut the hell up last night. Apparently I'm maternal."

"Funny." Cooper snorts quietly.
"Says you—you sex addict."
"Ooh. You got me there."
"How is it that I was unlucky enough to be partnered with an asshole like you?" I ask myself more than him but he still answers.
"Blame your inability to control your anger."
"Touché." I point my pencil in his direction.

     Once I've finished the assignment at hand, the rest of the class moves ever so slowly therefore I decide to entertain myself. I lean over in order to invade Cooper's personal space, the muscles in his arms tense up and he lets out an exasperated sigh.

"Who are you texting? Bimbo one or bimbo two?" I ask. This only has his hand reaching out to literally engulf my entire face. It forces me back into my seat where I fall silent, listening to what he has to say. "Actually it's the third one." He responds smugly.

For the rest of the period we say no words to one another but instead just simply stay out of each others business.

As soon as the bell rings overhead, Cooper is zipping out of his seat and I'm following close behind. Bryce walks with me to the lunch table and once we've arrived Riley wastes no time before saying. "Tonight. My house. You and Chloe." She gestures between the blonde haired girl and I.

    "What for?" I ask.
     "We haven't had a sleep over in a while. I miss you guys." She pouts.
     "You see each other everyda—" Chris begins but is quickly interrupted. "Shut up Chris." Chloe swats at his face then nods. "I'd love to go. Count me in." Now they're both staring me down until I answer.

"I'll be there."

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